Irresistible Magic
this without expectations.”
    Both of my eyebrows shot to the top of my forehead. “Really? Because from here it looks like you have a whole lot of expectations for us.” Tal was gifted in crystal magic. He didn’t need nature to replenish. Sure, it was probably comforting, but totally unnecessary. And the tree couldn’t have been easy to pull off. There was only one reason it was there. Me.
    “Okay. Maybe some expectations. But future ones. The kind that I only want to happen if we’re both ready for them. This”—he waved at the bed—“was more about letting you know I’m all in. What we have? It isn’t going away. And I know it’s new, or at least this chapter we’re headed into is new, but it’s real and right, and I’m in it with you. The bed? It’s about letting you know that I know what you need and if I can give it to you, I will.”
    He stepped back, giving me some space.
    I rubbed my hands over my face and when I dropped them, I found Link lying right in the middle of the bed, sprawled out as if he owned the place. “Link! Get down.”
    He blinked his amber eyes at me and then turned his gaze on Talisen. Damn dog. He knew who was in charge here. Tal glanced at me, then Link. “Off.”
    The Shih Tzu rose reluctantly but eventually did as he was told and took up residence at Talisen’s feet.
    I shook my head in exasperation. Tal had made him get off because he knew I didn’t want Link to get in the habit of not obeying my commands. Not because he minded my dog lying in his bed. I waved a hand. “Go on, Link. It’s fine. Go to bed.”
    Link didn’t hesitate. He jumped up and a second later was curled against a pillow.
    “He should be your dog,” I told Talisen.
    “Nah.” Tal slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me back into the living room. “He adores you and if he thought I was a threat, he’d rip my face off without hesitation.”
    I snorted. “Not likely. He’d probably take your side in a fight.”
    “Good thing we’ll never have to find out.”
    We stood in the middle of the living room and I suddenly felt awkward. Tal and I had spent countless hours together. I’d never been uncomfortable around him before, but now, on a date in his apartment, I didn’t know how to act. I couldn’t exactly leave and go home, in case another tail was waiting for me. We needed these people to think Harrison and I were together at the hotel. So I was stuck here. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue. Tal and I would’ve likely even slept in the same bed. Everything would’ve been one hundred percent platonic. But now…
    “Have a seat.” Tal indicated the brown leather couch and headed to the other end of his apartment into the kitchen. “I’ll work on scrounging up some dinner.”
    I glanced at the couch and then followed Talisen. “I’ll help.”
    He grinned and opened a drawer full of menus. “What sounds good?”
    “It’s either that or a frozen veggie burger.”
    I wrinkled my nose. “Really? Veggie burger?”
    He shrugged. “They’re the fancy brand from the health-food store.”
    I laughed. “Since when do you shop the health-food stores? I watched you eat your weight in burgers and fries over the summer. What gives?”
    Passing me a couple of menus, he leaned against the counter and crossed his feet at the ankle. “I don’t know. Ever since I got down here I’ve been craving plant-based food. I think it’s because I’m not near the forest. Sort of like how you need your tree to replenish. I think I need to digest more vegetables.”
    “Huh. Could be. Or maybe your body is rebelling after years of abuse.”
    “That’s probably it.”
    I eyed his lanky but muscular body. Talisen had never been health conscious before and if he was craving plant-based foods, he was probably right to assume his environment was having an effect on him. And it was because of me. He wouldn’t be here otherwise. I handed him back the menus. “Whatever you want to eat

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