Irresistible Magic
I’d always known was meant for him but had kept buried in the depths of my heart.
    I sucked in a breath and bit my lip. Tal paused, his eyes focused on my mouth, then he met my gaze and brushed a lock of hair out of my eyes. “Is this too soon?”
    I shook my head, not daring to speak, afraid I’d say too much.
    “This,” he said, placing a hand over my heart, “is what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. Just you and me, Wil.” He brushed his lips over mine, coaxing yet another murmur of pleasure from me. He responded by darting his tongue across mine and kissed me deeply, devouring the emotion running rampant between us.
    Oh God. This was really happening.
    I matched his fervor and clutched at his shirt, pulling him closer so that our bodies were flush, my legs wrapped around him. His healing hands roamed over my back, under my wings, and even though he’d touched me a million times before, everything was new and different. His fingers were light, almost hesitant, but not afraid. He was taking his time. Reintroducing himself to my bare skin, knowing I wanted him to touch me intimately. To memorize the way I felt in his arms.
    Shivers of anticipation crashed through me, and I pulled back, gasping for air.
    His gaze went soft with undisguised desire. “Sorry.”
    “For what?” I leaned in and nuzzled the hollow of his neck. A faint trace of vanilla and spice filled my senses.
    “Not making dinner.” His fingers moved to the tips of my wings, sending a ripple of pleasure straight to my toes. It was then I noticed my wings fluttering. Dammit if Harrison hadn’t been right about that little tidbit.
    I sucked in a breath and gently pushed him away. “Don’t think you’re getting off that easy.”
    His eyes crinkled and then he laughed. “Easy? I was definitely going to work for it.”
    Heat rushed to more areas than just my face. I pushed him farther away and then hopped down off the counter. “You’re a bad influence, Mr. Kavanagh. Food first, then we’ll see where things go.”
    He took a step closer and wrapped one of his strong arms around me, gazing down at me. “I love having you here in my space.”
    I blinked, not expecting that. “Then why didn’t you invite me over sooner?” He’d moved in a week ago and until tonight, I hadn’t even known what neighborhood he’d chosen.
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I wanted to finish unpacking first.”
    I glanced around, noting a California redwoods print above his couch. The blue glazed vase I’d given him as a housewarming present sat in the center of his dining room table. He didn’t have much else in the way of décor, but there weren’t moving boxes lining the walls either. “Looks pretty put together already.”
    Shaking his head, he tucked my hand in his and led me through the kitchen to the sparsely furnished living room. He paused outside his bedroom door. “I want to show you something.”
    It was my turn to laugh. “Um, is this an ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ situation?”
    He stared at me with equal parts admiration and exasperation. “You are feisty.”
    I smiled up at him, noting the gleam in his eye. What was he up to?
    He brushed a lock of hair out of my eyes and then pushed his bedroom door open. “Take a look.”
    I stepped inside and even without the light on I saw the outline of branches and leaves against the ceiling. “Tal?” I gasped out. “How?”
    He grinned, clearly pleased with my reaction. “I had some help from a certain witch we know.”
    “Phoebs did this?” I flipped the light on and gasped at the gorgeous cypress tree and the bed nestled on the floor between its roots. If I ever stayed over, the tree would be perfect to replenish the magic I used every day at my lab creating magically enhanced treats for all my customers.
    “Yeah, she worked the spell for the tree.”
    He pulled me to the middle of the room and turned me so I was facing him. “I want you to know I did

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