The One Left Behind (The One Series)

Free The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole

Book: The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Nicole
retrieve his sister. She’s resting with her eyes closed in one of the chairs and he is so gentle to wake her without startling her that it warms my heart. He whispers something into her ear before helping her stand up. I got a glimpse of his caring side on the beach when we first met, but watching him interact with Lexi sheds a whole new light on it and I have to pry my eyes away from him. It feels like I’m intruding in on a private family moment.
    I give Lexi the medication and tell her that I will lead her to a back room to lay down in a bed.
    I turn my attention to Pierce and notice him rubbing her back to help comfort her. “If you would like to wait with Lexi, you’re more than welcome to.”
    He looks at his sister and her pleading eyes give him his answer. “Sure, that would be great. My sister gets a little freaked out in hospitals.”
    I scan my access card up against the wall and the door to the emergency room opens. As we are walking, Pierce begins to talk. “So, I wanted to call you and see how you were doing but I realized I didn’t have your number.”
    Lexi stops mid step and we both pause to make sure she’s okay. I know the pain medication hasn’t kicked in yet. I’m about to offer to get her a wheelchair when she says, “Wait, you two know each other?”
    I wait for Pierce to say something but he doesn’t answer which makes me wonder if he has a girlfriend or if he’s hiding something. I answer for him. “Yes, we actually met a couple days ago on the beach. Pierce was kind enough to stop and help me out with a problem I was having.”
    Lexi has a look on her face and I’m not sure if I should be nervous or not. “Was this by chance on a Thursday?” she asks with her head tilted to the side, examining the both of us.
    I think back to the day I went home from the hospital and it was in fact a Thursday, but I still didn’t know where she’s going with this. With slight hesitation in my voice I respond, “Yes, it was actually.”
    Lexi snaps her fingers, “I knew it! You were late to our family dinner because you were with a girl! How long have you guys been dating?” Her eyes are wide with excitement.
    “Oh, Pierce and I aren’t dating, we just met that day.” I don’t want Pierce to feel awkward so I hope this correction helps alleviate that.
    Lexi puts her hands on her hips. “You guys don’t have to hide it from me. I won’t spill the good news to Mom. It’s just been forever since Pierce dated. That bitch Samantha really did a number on him. We never thought he would get over her.”
    I can now see why Pierce was keeping silent. Once Lexi had an idea, she clearly ran with it. I notice Pierce rubbing the back of his neck when Lexi is accusing me of being his girlfriend, but I see anger flash across his face when she mentions Samantha.
    “Lexi, that’s enough,” he says in a stern voice that leaves no room for argument. “We’re not dating, we met once. She was having a hard time and I helped her. We’re just friends. Can we please get you into a bed now?” My eyes quickly snap over to him. I wince at his small outburst and have a slight pang of disappointment settle over me with how easily he dismisses the idea of a relationship with me. I’m not sure where these feelings are coming from since I’ve only met him once, but the more I think about it the more it stings.
    I walk them over to an empty bed and get her settled in. Cameron comes back to find me and tell me it is time for our break. He asks if I want to join him but I politely decline. Cameron has had a crush on me since we were in nursing school and I don’t want to put myself in any situations that will lead him on. I have enough on my plate as it is.
    “Okay, Lexi, that should do it. You’re all set, so if you need anything you can either hit the call button or send Pierce out to go get a nurse.”
    Lexi has a mischievous glint in her eye. I’m not sure I like it. “Pierce, I’m feeling really tired.

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