Rebel on the Run
His tongue danced around the tissue while his hand entertained her other breast.
    When he released her with a slick noise that probably shouldn’t have sent shockwaves through her core, she whimpered. Quick to stifle her complaints, he switched sides, balancing out his decadent treatment.
    His free hand wandered down her stomach, causing her to suck in a breath and drop her head back against the mirror with a decided thunk . Oops.
    Bryce chuckled around her breast, peeking up at her to ensure she was okay before proceeding with his dexterous handling of her most sensitive parts.
    He winked up at her, then proceeded to circle her belly button with barely there brushes of his index finger. His mouth abandoned her in favor of blazing a trail of kisses that followed the path of his hand.
    He kissed her ribs, then her stomach, pausing to lick the swells of her hipbones. And when his chin nudged her mound, she flung her hands to the edge of the countertop and clung as tight as she could manage to keep from rocketing into orbit or plunging to the tile floor. The entire world seemed to wobble beneath her.
    Kaelyn’s eyes drifted closed as she focused on the pleasure Bryce imparted with every connection of his body to hers. Soft touches, licks, nuzzles and the warm puff of happy sighs buffeted the delta between her legs.
    The air swirling over her pussy turned cooler as Bryce inhaled deeply, seeming to savor the scent of her arousal, which he’d inspired. She peeked at him. Meeting his gaze as he stared up at her, as if waiting for permission.
    She nodded as best she could with every nerve in her body humming.
    Then it was more than a breeze washing over her. His mouth found her, again blanketing her in reverent kisses that swirled closer and closer to her clit. Though she’d gotten herself off hundreds of times, it felt foreign and divine when Bryce arrowed in on the pulsing bundle of nerves and licked once, long and slow.
    Montgomery Price had never been up for contact that crass. Or that satisfying.
    Kaelyn mewled, trying not to screech and draw his friends down on them again as she had when the sparkles had exploded on her in the bath. Somehow the glitter seemed appropriate now, as if demonstrating the twinkle he put in every cell of her being with his expert playing of her body.
    His hands spread her knees apart farther, the stretch adding to the delicious sensations bombarding her. Wet noises echoed in the tiled bathroom as he burrowed into the moist folds of her pussy and ate her with gusto. There were no polite, dainty nibbles of delicacies here. No sipping with raised pinkies. He slurped and savored her without a care for decorum.
    She appreciated his enthusiasm as he spiraled her higher and higher, lifting her arousal beyond measure. A tremble began in her toes and worked its way along her body until she shivered in his grasp, her hips arcing upward to meet his attentive mouth, lifting her ass from the vanity with regular pumps.
    Lost in the moment, she didn’t care how desperate she might appear. Or how wanton. Vulnerable.
    With one hand propped behind her, elbow locked, she used the other to curl around his neck and draw him deeper into her core. The increased contact had her thighs trembling around his face. Her knees knocked against his shoulders, which they draped over.
    He teased her, drawing quick circles around her clit before sucking on it then repeating the pattern. Though she’d like this euphoria to last forever, nothing so brilliant could be long-lived.
    Especially not when he wormed a hand between them to trace the clenching opening of her pussy. She bucked upward, trying to lodge him within her, but he resisted her at first. Teasing, dipping barely inside before retreating.
    A tortured moan left her as the ache he built within her began to throb.
    As if realizing he’d pushed her to the brink, he granted her relief. When he slid a finger inside her, then two, stretching the walls of her pussy, she

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