Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6)

Free Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6) by Cyndi Friberg Page A

Book: Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6) by Cyndi Friberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Friberg
Tags: steamy romance, paranormal romance, futuristic romance
optional.” He chuckled and took her hand, intertwining their
    She didn’t sense a telepathic signal,
but Indric’s guards backed off as he took her out into the
courtyard. A balmy night wind caressed her skin, a light floral
scent drifted in the air, and they were finally alone.
    “ I can see this from my
balcony.” She had so many things she wanted to say, she wasn’t even
sure where to start.
    His warm hands settled on her bare
shoulders and he shifted her half a turn to the right. “That’s your
room.” He pointed to the balcony on the top floor, nestled in the
corner of the open area. His other arm slipped around her waist and
he pulled her back into the heat of his body. “And that,” he
pointed to the next balcony over, “is mine.”
    Awareness enfolded her, awakening her
senses and agitating her emotions. She could feel the press of his
chest against her back and the weight of his arm against her
middle. “Are the rooms connected?”
    “ They are, but it shouldn’t
worry you. I will never enter unless I’m invited.”
    Besides, someone who could teleport
didn’t need a connecting door. His breath teased her skin half a
second before his lips brushed her shoulder. Tingles spiraled down
her arm and into her chest, drawing her nipples into tight peaks.
She eased out of his embrace then turned to face him.
    “ We should talk before this
goes any further.”
    He tensed, obviously disappointed by
her retreat, then nodded toward the stone bench farther down the
    She walked to the bench and sat,
smoothing her skirt down over her thighs. They’d been alone
together hundreds of times, but everything was different now. She
felt anxious and restless, almost hyperaware of his slightest
    He sat beside her and reached for her
hand, but she moved it just out of reach. “I can’t think straight
when you touch me.”
    “ Good to know.”
His smile was gentle and he made no other move to touch her.
“You’ve had some time to process the shock, so tell me what you’re
thinking .”

Chapter Four
    Indric had promised himself he’d go
slowly, give Cinarra plenty of time to adjust to the change in
their relationship. There was so much pain and uncertainty in her
past. The last thing he wanted was to frighten or pressure her. So
why was the need to touch her so damn hard to control? He wanted
her in his arms, sharing his breath as he learned her taste and
    “ You said it’s your
intention to court me. I’m still not sure what that means. Do you
want me in your life or just your bed?” She stared up at him, her
gaze silvered by the moonlight, expressive, open yet
    “ You’re already in my life
and I definitely want you in my bed. Beyond that, I’m not sure what
I want.” He chose his words carefully, determined to be as honest
as possible. “As my mistress, you would have greater freedom and
fewer responsibilities. A mistress is only expected to bring her
king pleasure and keep him company.” Pivoting on the bench, he
searched her gaze, trying to judge her reaction to the options. “As
soon as I made you my consort, everything would change. You would
become part of the royal family, with all of the strictures and
responsibilities that entails. I’m not sure I want that for either
of us.”
    She licked her lips then looked at her
hands, which were resting lightly on her lap. “What about children.
Aren’t you expected to keep trying?”
    Pain and frustration tore through his
chest. One of the primary responsibilities of any king was to
produce an heir, to stabilize the region and prevent possible
conflicts over a successor. As long as he remained childless, Eagin
was a threat. And not just to Indric but to the entire region. If
Eagin asserted his claim to the throne, it would force people to
choose sides. Indric had confidence that the majority of San Adrin
would back him, but every life was precious.
    Even so, he had to be realistic. “My

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