Consort (Beyond Ontariese 6)
drifted down to her mouth and
heat blossomed across her cheeks, but she was saved from commenting
by the first course. She tried to relax and enjoy the experience,
but the continual flow of servers kept the conversation light and
superficial. It was the same discussion they’d had countless times
before. He asked about Betaul’s progress and she asked about his
latest negotiations and the extensive renovations underway in the
oldest section of the palace. There were so many things she wanted
to ask him, so many things she wanted to say, but the subjects were
too personal to broach with an audience.
    “ Is the food not to your
liking? You’ve hardly touched any of it.” He folded his napkin and
placed it beside his plate.
    “ It’s not a reflection on
the skill of your chief. I’m just not very hungry.”
    After telling the head server to hold
dessert, he pushed back from the table and stood. He crossed the
room with long, sure strides, each movement emanating power. “Let’s
go for a walk in the courtyard. It’s lovely at night.” The golden
strands in his hair shimmered and his gaze moved over her
    He scooted her chair back and took her
hand as they left the dining room. “Did Terez keep your staff in
line? The result is stunning, but I wanted you to feel comfortable,
not overwhelmed.”
    “ Palace life is definitely
different from what I’m used to, but Terez was a big help.” They
reached the end of one corridor and started down another. Thick
carpet runners cushioned their steps and staff members
automatically stepped aside, allowing them to pass. Indric didn’t
seem to notice the show of deference, but it made her feel odd. Had
his accomplishments earned this sort of esteem or was it nothing
more than an accident of birth?
    They entered a common area, much
smaller than the lobby yet no less impressive. Myriad stars
twinkled in a velvety sky visible through the transparent dome.
Padded benches and chairs were arranged in artful groupings, but
Indric led her to a communication kiosk built into one of the
marble walls.
    He stepped in front of the transceiver
and said, “Page Ametto.”
    After a short pause, Ametto’s image
formed in front of them, one-fourth his actual size. “Is there a
problem, Sire?”
    “ Not at all. Cinarra would
like to say good night to Betaul.” He stepped to the side and
motioned her to his previous position.
    Ametto turned to his right and told
Betaul to join him. The boy bounded into sight and grinned at
Cinarra. “Dravon wasn’t lying, Mom. They have horses, honest to the
gods horses. And they aren’t even cloned or anything.”
    Mom. Each time Betaul used the term it
was a bittersweet reminder of all the secrets he had yet to learn.
She hated lying to him, but admitting the truth, even to Betaul,
increased the chances of discovery. “Did they let you ride
    “ Not yet, but I helped
brush him and fed him a treat. The trainer said I could ride one
tomorrow if it’s all right with you.”
    “ How is your hand? Are you
feeling especially tired?”
    “ There is too much to do to
be tired.” The boy laughed. “First thing in the morning we’re going
swimming.” His green gaze shifted to Indric and he said, “Thank you
for bringing us here. Your palace is so twisted.”
    Before Cinarra could say any more,
Betaul darted out of range.
    “ I’ll make sure he has a
full night’s rest before I allow him near the pool,” Ametto assured
her. “As for horseback riding, the trainer insists he has a mare so
docile there will be no danger.”
    “ Thank you, Ametto. You’re
a blessing, as always.”
    He bowed to her and then the holocom
blinked off.
    “ Feel better?” A teasing
quality came into Indric’s tone and he pressed his hand against the
small of her back. “Your cub is well protected and enjoying
himself. Now will you relax and do the same?”
    “ I’m not much of a swimmer
and horseback riding might be tricky in this dress.”
    “ Clothes are

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