Flirting with Danger

Free Flirting with Danger by Carolyn Keene

Book: Flirting with Danger by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
like this Dennis.” She sighed and looked as though she was about to cry again. “I can’t help thinking none of this would have happenedif Rachel hadn’t taken up with him in the first place.”
    Josh came in through the back door just then. He perked up at the sight of Nancy and Mrs. Kline. “What’s going on?”
    Mrs. Kline put her arm around her son while Nancy finished making the iced tea. “We heard from Rachel just now. She hung up before we could find out where she was, but we know she’s all right.”
    Josh let out a relieved sigh. “That’s great, Mom. She’s okay.”
    â€œWe do know one thing, though,” Nancy told him. “I distinctly heard the sound of the ocean in the background. Your sister is somewhere by the water.”
    Josh looked puzzled for a moment. “That could be anywhere, though. Did it sound like she was calling long distance?” he asked.
    Nancy shook her head. On a hunch, she recited the address Lieutenant Heller had given her for Dennis Harper. “Is that near the water?” she asked.
    Josh thought for a long moment, then nodded. “Yeah. I think it is.”
    â€œIt’s possible she was calling from there,” Nancy said thoughtfully.
    â€œThe police checked his place out and didn’t see any sign of Rachel. Or Dennis,” Josh said.
    â€œTrue,” Nancy agreed. “It may be a long shot, but it’s worth a try. Ned and I will go there tomorrow. There’s got to be a clue of some kind,” she said emphatically. She hoped so, anyway.
    Mrs. Kline picked up the tray. “I think you should get Mike to go with you, Nancy,” she said as they headed back into the den. “You and Ned shouldn’t go alone. I’m going to call him first thing in the morning. I just want this to be over.”
    â€œDon’t worry, Mrs. Kline,” Nancy said reassuringly. “I have a feeling she’s okay.” Secretly, though, Nancy wondered. What made Rachel Kline hang up so fast? If she really was safe, why couldn’t she talk or come home? Nancy knew they’d better find her. And soon.
    â€¢Â â€¢Â â€¢
    Everyone was gathered in the dining room for an early breakfast the next morning when Mike Rasmussen showed up. Mr. Kline invited him to join them.
    â€œThanks,” Mike said cheerfully, sitting down. “I’ve already eaten, but I could use some tea.”
    Mrs. Morgan poured him a cup from the pot on the side table and set it in front of him.
    Mike’s face had an eager expression as he looked at Mrs. Kline. “So you heard fromRachel,” he said. “What did she say? Is she okay?”
    â€œShe’s alive,” Mr. Kline replied. “I’m afraid that’s about all we know.” He touched a napkin to his mouth and set it aside. “We’re hoping you can tell us something, Mike. Any little detail we might have overlooked. Are you absolutely sure that Rachel didn’t confide in you before she disappeared?”
    Mike lowered his eyes for a moment, and his broad shoulders sagged a little. “Rachel stopped talking to me after she gave me back my class ring,” he said. He met Mr. Kline’s gaze again. “I wish I could help you, I really do, but I don’t know any more than you do.”
    Nancy jumped in. “Ned and I are going to Dennis Harper’s place today,” she told Mike. “I was hoping you’d come with us. You might notice some sign that Rachel had been there that we’d miss.”
    â€œWe think Rachel might have been calling from there last night,” Josh put in.
    â€œWhy?” Mike asked. He hadn’t touched his tea.
    â€œWe heard the surf in the background,” Mr. Kline answered, his face pinched and tired-looking. “I called the police, but Heller was off duty last night,” he said with irritation.
    â€œAllen,” Mrs. Kline said softly.

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