Your Foundation in Christ (Victory Series Book #3): Live By the Power of the Spirit

Free Your Foundation in Christ (Victory Series Book #3): Live By the Power of the Spirit by Neil T. Anderson

Book: Your Foundation in Christ (Victory Series Book #3): Live By the Power of the Spirit by Neil T. Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil T. Anderson
Tags: REL012120
chooses favorites and rejects others. From an early age, we strive to please significant others to gain their approval. But this fallen world is a dog-eat-dog, survival-of-the-fittest system.
    In their natural state, people choose to adapt to this world system in one of three ways. First, some try to beat the system. They try to earn their acceptance and strive for significance through their appearance, performance, and social status. They feel driven to get to the top because they falsely believe that winning is their passport to acceptance, security, and significance. They are characterized by perfectionism and emotional insulation, which usually leads to anxiety, stress, and burnout. They are prone to manipulating people and circumstances for their own end, so it is difficult for them to yield control of their lives to God. Eventually their abilities diminish—and younger, stronger, and more capable controllers replace them.
    Second, some give in to the system and embrace its warped standards. The strongest, prettiest, and most talented are “in,” while they are “out” because they don’t measure up in those categories. By giving in to this worldly system, these people succumb to society’s false judgment of their worth. They often find it difficult to accept themselves, because others haven’t. Some have trouble relating to God because they blame Him for making them deficient in the eyes of the world.
    Third, some rebel against the system. They respond to rejection by saying, “I don’t need you, and I don’t want your love!” They need love and acceptance like everyone else, but they refuse to acknowledge it. They often underscore their defiance and rebellion by dressing and behaving in ways that are objectionable to the general population. Rebels are marked by self-hatred and bitterness. They are irresponsible and undisciplined. They think that God and “religious” people are trying to squeeze them into a socially acceptable mold.
    All three responses eventually lead to defeat. The kingdom of God is totally different. Nobody wins in the world’s system, but we all win in the kingdom of God. We are not in competition with one another. Paul says, “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and comparethemselves with themselves, they are not wise” (2 Corinthians 10:12). We are loved and accepted unconditionally by God. Each of us is an essential part of the Body of Christ. Helping another person succeed enhances our success. The more we build one another up, the more we build ourselves up.
    Mark must have discovered this wonderful truth, because eventually he and Paul reconciled. While doing time in a Roman prison, Paul wrote in his last epistle, “Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry” (2 Timothy 4:11).
    What characterizes those who attempt to adapt to the system of this fallen world by trying to earn acceptance through their looks, performance, or social status?
    What characterizes those who simply give in to the world’s system and embrace its warped standards?
    What characterizes those who rebel against the world’s system? What do they refuse to acknowledge and embrace?
    Which of these three worldly approaches do you tend to take? How has that changed since you became a Christian?
    How can you, as a Christian, respond to those who reject you and your beliefs?

    Under the old dispensation, the priesthood and the kingship were two different things. No one could be both a king and a priest. But afterward came the gospel, which united these two offices in Christ. From this it follows that the people whom He has chosen will be both royal and priestly at the same time. Some people wonder how it is possible, seeing that we are called from all the nations on earth, for us to be regarded as one holy people. The answer to this is that

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