
Free Storybound by Marissa Burt

Book: Storybound by Marissa Burt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Burt
disappeared into a cluster of cats.
    Una laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
    “Eating’s a required course every term for all the animals,” Peter said as though this was the most normal thing in the world. “We won’t take it until next term.”
    “No way,” Una said. “What can you possibly learn in Eating class?”
    Peter ducked into a room. “Cooking. Baking. Foraging. You do all those things in a Tale.” He skirted a grand piano and a harp resting in its stand next to it. “And the best ones make you want to go rummage through your cupboards for a snack. Do you think that comes easily?”
    They had arrived at a pair of glass doors that emptied out into a courtyard. It seemed like everything in Birchwood Hall led out into a courtyard.
    “Well, this is where I leave you.” Peter turned to go. “I’ll meet you back here in an hour, so we can go to class. Good luck.”
    Una wished so much that she could hole up in her old library desk and escape from the world a little bit. Instead, she squared her shoulders and made her way down the twisty gravel path bordered by a crumbling stone wall. Small trees and shrubs stripped of their spring splendor crouched near the ground. In one corner, an outdoor fireplace crackled. Two students sat bundled up in front of the fire. They waved to Una as she passed.
    The whole roommate situation bothered Una. Nothing good had ever come from sharing a room with her foster siblings. And what kind of girl doesn’t have a roommate yet?
    The trees were bigger farther down the path, and their branches were not quite bare. A squirrel scolded her, and a shower of red and gold leaves fell down onto her head. A weathered sign read: GRIMM DORM, FIFTY PACES .
    Una followed the path as it wound off to the right. And in forty-nine paces, she climbed a little hill and saw it. The top of a thatch-roofed cottage peeked over a brick wall. Clouds of smoke puffed from the chimneys that were stacked, a little off-kilter, on the roof. The building was not quite level, and some of its edges appeared round while others tilted at funny angles.
    Once inside, Una found the stairs and hurried down the long narrow hall to her room. Holding her breath, she knocked. When she didn’t hear an answer, she turned her key in the lock and pushed open the heavy door.
    Una stood in the doorway for several seconds. She had no words. It was bad enough that the girl lounging on one of the beds looked like a snooty, fairy-tale princess. What was worse was that Una recognized her. The girl from Peter’s exam!
    The Lady Snow ran perfectly manicured fingers through her short dark hair, humming an unrecogniz-able tune. Small birds twittered to each other as they pulled a garment out of the bureau that lined one wall and folded it into a brown leather satchel.
    Snow turned and fixed her shockingly blue eyes on Una. “Ah . . . my new roomie,” she said.
    Una tripped on a woven rug, fell against the dresser, and with a half turn, dropped onto her bottom at Snow’s feet. “Hi,” she said in a small voice from her spot on the floor. Shoot. She hopped to her feet and stuck out her hand. “I’m Una. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”
    Snow looked down at Una’s hand and went back to finger-combing her hair. “I’m Snow. So glad to see you again. Really.” She snapped her fingers at the birds, who had stopped to watch. “I don’t have all day,” she said. Two small rabbits scurried across the room and rummaged in the satchel.
    Una stared at the birds, who had collapsed in a little heap on the dresser, wings spread and tiny chests heaving. Suddenly, it hit her. Snow. “Wait—are you Snow White ?”
    Snow laughed. “Didn’t they teach you anything at your old school? The real Snow White finished her Tale ages ago.” She examined the manicured red nail on her index finger. “Look. Una. Whoever you are, you can drop the dumb and naive act.” Snow stood up and glared down at Una. “I

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