Wild Kat

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Book: Wild Kat by K.S. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Martin
Julie finally extinguished her lamp.  Kat gave them ten more
minutes and went into the house.  She crept silently up the stairs.  Once
inside Thomas’ room she slid out of her buckskins.  Her eyes now met his.  He
had been watching her.  Kat’s face filled with heat but he could not see.
He murmured.  She came to the side of the bed to climb in with him.  “I told
you, not until we are married.”  He put his hands behind his head revealing his
naked chest.
will I know if I like it?”  Her hands were planted on her hips, her breasts
jutted out unashamed.
you love me it will not matter.”  Thomas’ eyes soaked up every inch of her.
do I know if I love you unless I try?”  She leaned against the bed now.  Her breasts
only inches from his arm
you love me or you do not.  The physical part has no bearing.”
please, I need you.” Her eyes begged.
do not need anything yet, you cannot know need.”  She stood beside her parent’s
bed proudly.  She made no attempt to cover herself. 
I have a goodnight kiss?” She sulked.
soon as your clothes are on I will kiss you all you like.”  Kat walked to the
doorway and pulled her clothes on quickly.  Thomas waited for her to return to
the bedside. 
She called over her shoulder, as the door slammed shut.  Thomas chuckled to
himself.  Kat walked down to the creek for a swim.  Thomas followed her to make
sure she was not leaving again.  She left her clothes on the bank and dove into
the deep spot.  When she surfaced on the other side she turned to face him. 
“Haven’t you seen enough tonight?”
wanted to make sure you were safe.”  He squatted on the bank in nothing but
wanted to make sure I was not leaving.”  She leaned against a big moss covered
that as well.”  Thomas dove in and surfaced in front of her.  “You should be
careful out here in the dark Kat.  You never know what is in the woods.”  He
shook the water from his head.
know exactly what is out here Thomas.  You need not worry about me.”
am sure you do.”  He moved closer.    “I am sorry if I made you angry before. 
I was not raised that way and I do not believe it is right.  You need not worry
if you will like it or not, we will find our way.”  He leaned down and kissed
her cheek.
know that in my heart Thomas, it’s just that Julie...”
love. Do not listen to your sister.  You listen to your heart and to me.  I love
you and you love me.  The rest will work out, I promise.”  He kissed her softly,
nibbling on the skin of her jaw and throat.  An ache swirled around in her
belly she wasn’t sure what it was but she knew he could make it go away.
do know need, no matter what you say.”  She whispered.
think you do.  You will know it soon enough.”  He crossed back to the
side the house was on, “are you coming?”    She swam toward him.
it is beginning to get chilly out here.”  She put her clothes on and walked
with him to the house, he kissed her cheek again, he went inside and she to the

says that it does not matter Julie.  Please drop it.”
I would not marry him not knowing.”
aren’t me.  I have chores to tend to.  Are you and Doug going to his parents’
house today?”
we will be out of your hair soon.”  Kat gathered the dishes and started washing
them.   Julie sat feeding her twins.  “He will probably be very good at it.  I
would not worry.”
am not worried and I said drop the subject.”
let’s talk about Papa’s business.”  Kat rolled her eyes heavenward.  “Are you
going to run the business?”
have considered it but what for?  I do not drink and I do not care if anyone
else does.”
you do, I

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