The Last Witch (Incenaga Trilogy)

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Book: The Last Witch (Incenaga Trilogy) by Debbie Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Dee
I’ve lived in the middle of nowhere my whole life!”
    “You are Pamizak’s o wn.”
    “ Does everyone in the palace think I’m a Pamizakian princess?”
    Adelia shook her head. “Most of them were told you are just a foreign princess, although some of them suspect otherwise. Only a few of the palace staff know of the Crown Prince’s intentions to honor the Pamizakian betrothal. He’s afraid the more people who know who you are the more likely someone might figure out you are also the last Incenaga. He’d like to keep that part of your identity a secret as long as possible, or at least until you wed.”
    “What difference would marrying him make? I’ll still be the last Incenaga. I’ll still be in danger.”
    “ He is hoping the threat of his army will be enough to deter anyone from coming to enslave you. We have the strongest army, the fastest horses, the most skilled knights,” Adelia said with pride. “The Crown Prince himself is skilled with many weapons. You will be safe here.”
    Emmeline wasn’t so sure. Mahlon treated her with harshness. She didn't feel safe with him anywhere near her. Until she figured out what her powers were and how to use them, she doubted she would feel safe anywhere.
    “ I just want my life back with my father.”
    Adelia shook her head. “It wouldn’t take long for someone to find you again. It’s a miracle he hid you this long. I don’t think you understand how many are searching at this very moment for the last Incenaga. The danger is too great.”
    “ My father never spoke of any of this,” Emmeline said in disbelief. “He would have told me if I were in danger.” But even as she said it she recalled the way he always seemed to know where to find her around the farm, or how he never went to bed before her, or never let her wander too far from their cottage. Even when she rode Filia she wasn’t allowed to ride where he couldn’t see her.
    “ I suppose I’m not surprised he hasn’t told you, considering his past. The people of Dolmerti still lament over what happened to your mother.”
    “You know what happened to her?”
    Adelia’s nodded, her eyes moistening.
    “Will you tell me?”
    She shook her head and slid off the bed.
    “Please?” Emmeline pleaded.
    Adelia walked to the door. “I can’t,” she said. “You shouldn’t hear something like that from me.”
    “Please!” Emmeline repeated, desperate for answers.
    Adelia shook her head in two quick jerks and left the room.
    Emmeline collapsed onto the bed and pounded her fists into the fabric. Why did everyone feel the need to keep things from her? Pulling a pillow to her face, she screamed. She felt trapped in every sense of the word. Trapped in a palace, trapped in a life chosen for her, trapped in ignorance.
    Emmeline sat up and moved to the window. Rather than spend the remainder of her day in frustration, she resolved to understand everything she had been able to pry from Adelia. For hours she contemplated what she had learned. Never mind that she was a princess. She felt no more like royalty than she did a witch. But at least as a witch she might be able to do something interesting. She focused on what she had learned about the witches, hoping to fill in some of the holes. They were all dead and that left her as the sole target for anyone seeking power. Because somehow her power could be controlled. Through her eyes? Or because of her eyes? She wasn’t sure. Did they control it forever, or could she break free of them? And what exactly was her power? She had so many questions!
    She wondered if Erick recognized her and wanted to control h er. He wasn’t afraid to look into her eyes and Adelia had said something about bravery being a factor. He had even invited her to ride outside of the palace walls, into the countryside. She began doubting her initial instincts about him, second guessing everything he had said. He had been so kind, so inviting, and yet he was so mysterious.
    Emmeline brushed

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