Perfectly Able

Free Perfectly Able by Suzannah Daniels

Book: Perfectly Able by Suzannah Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzannah Daniels
    That definitely sounded interesting . “We have no alcohol and no way to get any.”
    “Oh, that’s right.” Her face pulled into a frown.
    “Unless you want to use whatever we have in the kitchen,” I suggested.
    “We could do that?”
    “We can do whatever we want. It’s our day to be spontaneous, remember?” I grinned at her. “Go put on your bathing suit. I’ll put on mine, grab some stuff from the kitchen, and meet you back out here.”
    I gathered up the dishes while she went to change . After donning a fresh pair of swimming trunks, I grabbed a few items out of the kitchen and met her at the picnic table.
    “So what do we do?” she asked.
    “Do you want to take a shot first?
    “ I’m not sure how. You do it first,” she said, wringing her hands.
    “All right. Lay down on the picnic table.” I held her steady while she climbed upon the table and lay down.
    “Instead of tequila, we’re going to use milk, and instead of limes, we’ll use oranges.” I sliced the orange into sections, set them down on the bench, and poured a small shot of milk. “Okay, there’s all kinds of variations, but we’ll do basic body shots.”
    Squeezing the orange slice, I rubbed a little juice along her slender abdomen so the salt would stick and then handed the slice to her. “When we get ready, put this in your mouth. After I take the shot, I’ll get it from you using nothing but my mouth.”
    I poured out a thin trail of salt on her abdomen, and she put the orange slice in her mouth.
    As I licked the salt from her stomach, I felt her muscles clench as I worked my way up. I downed the milk and my lips touched hers as I took the orange from her. Despite the fact that I was attracted to Ava and wanted to make the entire process more sensual, I decided that given her current frame of mind, it would be better for her if I stuck to the basics.
    “You want to try it now?” I asked.
    I traded spots with her, and she poured herself a shot of milk and handed me an orange slice. Setting the milk down, she copied my lead and poured a trail of salt on my upper abdomen. When she was finished, she hesitated, and I could see her facial expressions change as her thoughts funneled through her mind.
    Her brow furrowed . “I don’t know if I can do this.”
    “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it’ll be fine . Be spontaneous, Ava. Isn’t that what you told me?”
    She pursed her lips and nodded . “You don’t mind?”
    “Mind? I consider myself fortunate.”
    A small smile cracked her serious demeanor.
    “ I got one word for you—spontaneous,” I said, hoping to bolster her confidence.
    The minute her warm tongue hit my skin, I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation . She started slow, but then she licked the remaining salt quickly as if she couldn’t be finished with the task fast enough. I cracked my eyelids open and watched as she guzzled the shot of milk. When her lips neared mine, I kept my eyes open, watching her and enjoying the feel of her lips on my skin, but it was over as soon as it started. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when she pulled away.
    “So you survived your first body shot,” I teased, rising to a seated position. “It wasn’t so bad, was it?”
    She shook her head.
    “The next time’ll be better, though.”
    “ How so?” she asked, looking at me as if she were waiting for some big revelation.
    “The next time we’ll use real tequila.”

    Chapter 6
    Next time? Did he just insinuate that we would do body shots again in the future?
    Every time I feared that I’d made a fool of myself by being too forward, maybe a little too spontaneous, Ridge had a way of making me feel comfortable again.
    Last night, I was afraid that I’d been too bold when I kissed him. I was terribly embarrassed after dumping both of us in the lake, but I hadn’t stopped there. I’d actually had the gumption to ask to finish the kiss. But it had

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