The Laird's Kidnapped Bride

Free The Laird's Kidnapped Bride by Mysty McPartland

Book: The Laird's Kidnapped Bride by Mysty McPartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mysty McPartland
see to, lass. I will see ye at supper.”
    Again she watched him walk away and was grateful he was going. It would, hopefully, give her time to work out what she was going to do with herself. Obviously there wasn’t any way to escape, so she might as well forget it even though it galled her to do so. She could refuse to wed him, but it sickened her to dishonor the contract that had been made. She was loathe to accept it, because it meant becoming his wife and being stuck here in the wilds of the Highlands forever. It was a deplorable thought, having to live out her life here with no dinner parties and no balls. A despondent sigh rolled out of her and her shoulders sagged. If she was going to keep her pride and integrity, she would have to marry the stinking rogue. There was simply no other choice.
    The day almost over, the gloomy sky heavy with black rain clouds, Cameron entered the hall eager to see the lass. Shaking the water from his hair, he went down the steps and searched the great room. When he didn’t find his bride where he had left her, he scowled. Grumbling under his breath about wee obstinate wenches, his gaze swept the room. His eyebrows shot up and a big grin spread over his face when he saw Father Ryan seated at one of the tables. He hurried forward to greet the man. “Father, ‘tis pleased I am that ye have arrived early,” and he truly was. He was, in fact, overjoyed that he could now wed his betrothed this very night.
    “I was in the area, so it only made sense. Has yer betrothed arrived yet?” The priest rose to his feet.
    “Aye, she has. She must be upstairs. I wish us to be wed tonight.” He bit back a curse when the priest hesitated.
    Father Ryan rubbed at his ear as he thought the matter over. “Mmm. I canna see any problem wi’ that, since the banns have already been read. Is the lass agreeable to it?”
    Unable to look the father in the eye while he lied to the man, he turned his gaze up to the ceiling. “Aye, she’s willing. Why dinna ye eat, drink and rest, father, while I speak to my betrothed.” Not waiting for a reply, he hurried over to the staircase and rushed up the steps. Hell, how was he going to persuade the wee hoyden to marry him this very eve? She would probably spit in his eye when he informed her. He reached his chamber door and, throwing it open, he found her standing in the middle of the room, holding a golden gown against her. He closed the door and stepped closer. “’Tis a verra bonny dress.”
    “Aye, the women did a fine job with the gowns.” She answered warily because she didn’t like the determined glint in his eyes.
    He cleared his throat and laced his fingers together behind his back. “Father Ryan has arrived and will wed us tonight.”
    The gown fell from her hands and Lark could only stare up at him in panic. “He’s here now? This isn’t some sort of trick, is it? Ye havena dressed someone up to play him, have ye?” she squeaked.
    Cameron worked hard to keep his voice calm, quiet. “Aye, he is here. For the love of God, ‘tis nae trick, woman. The man is a real priest, I give ye my oath. May God strike me dead right in this very spot if I lie to ye . Now, lass, what I want to ken is will ye honor the contract our fathers agreed upon?” He couldn’t believe she had come up with such an unbelievable idea, but he really shouldn’t have been surprised. Her mind worked in the most odd ways.
    Her lashes lowered and she wrung her hands together. She drew in a trembling breath, then, as she exhaled, her shoulders sagged in defeat. “I canna disgrace m’self or my family. Aye, ye sniveling goat, I will wed ye.”
    Relief washed through him and he grinned. Reaching out, he placed one hand on her shoulder and, with a finger beneath her chin, tilted her head up to face him. His gaze went straight to her lush mouth as he drew her closer and bent his head. “Ye willna regret it, lass and I’m glad ye have agreed to be my wife.” Before she could

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