The Deserters: A Hidden History of World War II

Free The Deserters: A Hidden History of World War II by Charles Glass

Book: The Deserters: A Hidden History of World War II by Charles Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Glass
courting. “Taverns were plentiful, but money and women were on a strict war-time ration basis, so we had plenty of fights over both,” he remembered. He rented a room in Sparta, “a place I could call my own on my time off,” where he slept off his drinking bouts. Weekends found him spending days in a bar, nights in his room. He was a loner who assumed the only remedy to his loneliness was a bride.
    He spotted three young women one afternoon in a Sparta pool hall, and he offered to buy them some Coca-Cola. They turned him down. He asked another GI who the “stuck up girls” were. The soldier said they were his sisters. Whitehead brought three bottles of Coke to the girls, but they still didn’t want them from the cocky southerner. A moment later, Whitehead noticed his wallet was missing and declared that no one could leave the pool hall until he had it back. This led to a brawl that ended with the arrival of MPs. When the other soldier saw that Whitehead had no money left, he invited him home for dinner.
    This led to Whitehead’s acquaintance with the soldier’s three sisters and, soon, Whitehead’s proposal of marriage to the oldest. A photograph of Selma Sherpe taken at about this time showed a young woman with buoyant blond hair, tied back like Betty Grable’s, and full lips that would have attracted almost any young man. She resisted his advances and his proposal, but she eventually dated him when he was out on liberty. “Many happy evenings and weekends followed, and I found I was growing very fond of the Sherpe family, who gave a sense of belonging I never had at home.” There were dinners at the Sherpe farm, Pleasant Valley, as well as movies and carnivals. “My Southern accent also provided some amusing moments,” he recalled. “One Sunday, while assisting Mrs. Sherpe with Sunday dinner, I asked where she kept the ‘flare’ (flour), and had the house in an uproar trying to figure out and find whatever ‘flare’ was.” The Sherpes were incredulous when he told them about his childhood diet of “wild onions, poke salad, wild mustard greens” and his career as a moonshiner. They enjoyed his visits, but Selma evaded Alfred’s questions about a date for a wedding she had not agreed to.
    “Many of the boys were getting married and had someone to come home to and live for,” Whitehead wrote. As the day for shipping out approached, he asked his sergeant for a pass to get married. The army gave him three days off, on the understanding he would return with a marriage certificate. Whitehead bought a ring and hitchhiked to the Sherpes’ house, twelve miles from town. He gave the ring to Selma. The next morning, 9 August 1943, Mr. and Mrs. Sherpe drove the couple to a justice of the peace in Caledonia, Minnesota, where there was no waiting period for marriages. Their honeymoon was spent at the Sherpes’ farm. The idyll did not last long.
    At the end of September, Whitehead told his bride the division was going overseas. He reassured her he would win the war quickly and be home soon, but she responded gravely, “It will be very hard for you, and it will be many years before you return.” On their last morning together, Selma wept.On 3 October, the newly minted troops of the 2nd Infantry Division boarded a train bound for New York. There, on 8 October, the USS Florence Nightingale was waiting to take the young soldiers in convoy across the Atlantic. As Whitehead approached the gangplank, he noticed a squad of MPs armed with rifles, bayonets and machine guns. They were there to ensure no one tried to desert.

Such a sufferer from war shock is not a weakling, he is not a coward. He is a battle casualty.
Psychology for the Fighting Man , p. 353
    A FEW MILES INTO THE E GYPTIAN DESERT east of Alexandria, the prison at Britain’s Mustafa Barracks was the final destination for soldiers convicted of crimes from desertion and disobedience to rape and murder. The base had stood, since the British occupation

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