
Free Mica by Kate Hill

Book: Mica by Kate Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hill
Tags: Romance
    Your actions as a Dame define who you are, just as his evil deeds defined him. No one mourns his death. No one remembers him with affection or pride, as one day you will be remembered.”
    Sun stopped, swallowing hard and glaring at Mica who blocked her path. “Why are

you saying this?”
    “Because it’s the truth.”
    “I shouldn’t have bothered coming here. It was a waste of my time.” She shook her head, anger and confusion battling inside her.
    “Then make it not a waste. Let me show you the city. You’ll like it.”
    Sun touched a hand to her temple. “You are unbelievable. What does it take to insult you?”
    “I dare you to find a sword sharp enough to pierce my hide. Would you like to finish this argument over dinner?”
    “You are the most annoying man I’ve ever met.”
    “I can’t let you leave the city without tasting the food at Marta’s tavern.”
    She lifted her chin. “Fine. We should find Blaze. He’ll want to come too.”
    “I’ll look for him. Meet me in the great hall in half an hour.”
    Sun raised her eyes to the ceiling and shook her head. “The food better be good enough for me to suffer through the company.”
    Mica laughed. “I suppose it would be too much for the Goddess to have given you grace as well as beauty.”
    “Spoken by a man who has neither.” Sun shoved by him. “Out of my way.”
    Mica stepped aside, watching her go. Why was he bothering? He couldn’t be so lustful that he’d put up with such a horrible attitude. A goat’s shitting ass was preferable to this woman’s manner, but he liked her. She had spirit, and Mica sensed she could be as loyal and kind as she was hateful. He’d never known anyone quite like her, and she intrigued him.
    Mica realized her bitterness was justified and he might never reach her, but he was willing to try.
    * * * * *
    Sun stalked to her room, fuming. Never had she met a more infuriating man than Mica. What enraged her most was that the longer she was with him, the better she liked him.
    While she still wanted revenge, the idea of killing him no longer appealed to her.
    She prayed her change of heart wasn’t due to his handsome face and body that made her wet just looking at it. No. She would not trade her vengeance for a tumble in the hay with this monster-in-disguise.
    Sun’s anger faded to something completely uncharacteristic of her—cold calculation. There were worse things than death, especially to a man seeking redemption. His priestly ambitions demanded he forsake pleasures—in particular carnal ones. Sun had taken similar vows, yet she’d already broken them numerous

times, searching for the sexual joy that had been denied her when those Kennian pigs ruined her innocence as well as her life. She’d learned the art of using her sexuality as a weapon—one that could be aimed directly at Mica’s heart, if he truly had one. Luring him into bed would be easy. The way he looked at her indicated that he was teetering on the edge of denying his religion for sexual pleasures. He might think he was strong enough to change, but Sun would prove otherwise. Then she could sail away, laughing, because no man could reach her soul, particularly Mica of Ademene.
    In her room, she dressed in fresh trousers and her leather vest. Rather than braiding her hair, she left the long, honey-blonde tresses loose. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked pretty good.
    Downstairs in the great hall, she found the Knight and Priest in Waiting admiring a picture in colored tile on one vast wall.
    Blaze’s back was to her, but Mica’s gaze fixed on hers.
    He smiled and said, “It seems you and I will be going to Marta’s tavern alone.”
    “What?” Sun glanced at Blaze who shrugged, his blue eyes wide.
    “I’m tired, Brightest Star. I’ve an appointment with my bed. When I was younger perhaps I could play all night, but—”
    “You’re not that old. If you don’t go, I don’t go.”
    “But I sent

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