Blood Moon (Howl #2)

Free Blood Moon (Howl #2) by Jody Morse, Jayme Morse

Book: Blood Moon (Howl #2) by Jody Morse, Jayme Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jody Morse, Jayme Morse
they could f orce their chests to fluff up.
    You kind of just . . . move your chest, Colby said, looking down at his own chest as it fluffed up. When your skin moves, your fur goes with it.
    Samara strutted past Colby again, this time pushing her chest slightly forward. It wasn’t much different from the advice that Emma had always given her over the years when she wanted Samara to learn how to grab a guy’s attention; it was strange that acting confident as a teenage girl was so similar to acting confident as a wolf.
    That’s perfect, Colby said, as Samara sat back down on the cold ground across from him. You just have to remember that you need to remain confident, even when someone freaks you out. If you don’t remain confident, they’ll see you as a weakling, which will make them more eager to attack.
    How do you know all of this? Samara asked. I mean, have you been in a lot of fights?
    Colby shook his head. I’ve been in a few, but I’ve learned most of what I know from my parents. My father is one of the strongest Alphas in the area. I do know that what he says works, though. Colby paused and scratched his side with one of his hind paws. Do you remember the night at Emma’s party, when Luke and Jason got into an argument and I stayed behind?
    Samara nodded and one of her ears flopped over. She had a crystal clear memory of that night. It was the first time she had ever heard Luke communicat e with her through mind-speak.
    Jason and I went out to the woods, and I threatened him. He wanted to attack Luke because he thought he was the one who bit you at first, Colby told her. I told him to leave Luke alone. He didn’t listen to me about not telling you the truth, but I’m pretty sure my confident posture helped me prevent a battle between him and Luke.
    So that’s what that argument had been about. Samara had been wondering all along why Jason and Luke had caused that scene at Emma’s par t y – and what had prompted her mate to leave early that night. If only Emma knew the real reason why Luke and Jason hated each other . . . .
    Rocco must have known that I’m Alpha now or why else would he have shown up? D o you think someone’s told Jason yet?
    No, I don’t think so. But if he’s been out this way, I’m sure he knows, too. Rocco knew because our scent has changed. You probably can’t notice the difference yet, because you’re still new, but I’m sure Rocco could smell that our scent is stronger. It’s only a matter of time before Jason shows up, too.
    Do you think I’ll be able to intimidate either of them? Samara asked.
    If I can, anyone can, Colby replied.
    Thanks for teaching me, Colby, Samara said, standing up. She swiftly morphed back into a human and glanced down at the sweater and jeans that she had worn to the party. It was so nice to not have to worry about leaving a spare change of clothes behind a tree or somewhere to change into. Initiation had reall y made her life so much easier.
    Colby changed, too. When he stood, in human form, next to her, she asked, “Col bs? I have a question for you.”
    Colby raised a blonde eyebrow. “Since when do you call me Colbs?”
    “I like making nicknames for people. I didn’t know what else to nickname you,” Samara explained, shrugg ing.
    Colby laughed. “Okay, I guess Colbs it is. Anyway, what’s your question?”
    “Why do you have that reddish heart on your fur? Is one of your parents a red wolf?” Samara asked. She didn’t want to tell him that the reason she was wondering was because she was trying to imagine what her own wolf babies with Luke would look like. Would they be gray wolves with white patches of fur? Or white with gray patches of fur?
    Colby looked down at the ground. “No. Both of my parents are gray wolves.” He looked up at Samara, his eyes turning glassy. “When a werewol f’s mate dies, they get a patch somewhere on their fur that’s the same color that their mate was.”
    Samara’s jaw dropped and she quickl y

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