
Free Alone by Sean-Paul Thomas

Book: Alone by Sean-Paul Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean-Paul Thomas
Tags: Suspense, Mystery, Sci-Fi
the ability to not think from out-with his own mind and thoughts, just like me and Anna.
    'She's sleeping.' I said finally.
    'Are we home yet? or near about?' The man said yawning.
    'Home?' I said, both curious and confused. Again the man chuckled.
    'Yes, home! Why are you acting so spaced out David? Jesus!'
    'I... I don't know.' Was all I could muster. The man then leaned forward towards me looking very curious.
    'What's wrong with you David? You're acting really... weird.'
    'You know my name!' I said blankly. The man chuckled again.
    'Yes, David! I know your name.'
    'But I don't know you.' I said. 'I don't even know your name?'
    The man leaned back in his chair and rubbed more sleep from his weary eyes.
    'I'm really too tired and lagged for you're funny stuff right now David.'
    'Do you know who I am?' I demanded.
    The man sniggered, then abruptly stopped rubbing his eyes to give me his full attention and with a look of great seriousness.
    'Please David! Will you stop this stupid act right now.'
    'You know my name!' I said again. 'So you must know who I am?'
    The man stared curiously up at me for a long moment as I began to both feel and look more and more desperate by the second.
    'Who am I? What am I doing here? Please tell me something... anything, please.' I pleaded, breaking away from my previously calm state. Suddenly the man stood right up onto his feet scaring me a little by his abrupt movement. I backed away just a little.
    'David!' Said the man sternly. 'What the hell is going on with you?' But I couldn't keep control of my fragile and upset emotions any longer and I began to sob.
    'I don't know... I don't know what's going on here. I can't remember who I am... I can't even remember how I got here? ... And I'm just so scared...' I said trying to regain my composure and stop myself from sobbing anymore. The man then unexpectedly motioned for me to approach him.
    'Come here David. Please... Come here.'
    Still trying to control my sobbing I approached the bearded man who opened his arms and gave me a comforting hug.
    'It's okay David, it's okay.' He said as he gently rubbed my back. Gradually, I eased up on my sobbing.
    'Who else is on the shuttle right now David? Who else is around here?'
    'Just me...' I said as I pulled away from the man's arms. Suddenly thoughts and images flashed and raced all over my mind. Thoughts of kissing Steffi with such passion in the shower room followed by Steffi shrieking and screaming out in shear terror right in front of me. Thoughts of Ian smiling smugly and whispering into my ear. Then finally thoughts and images of Anna, oh the beautifully pale and fragile Anna. Giggling playfully with me in the kitchen as we squirted each other with water. Strangling her up against the shower room wall. Being intimate together and joining together as one inside the dark computer room with the glorious twinkling darkness viewing window in the background as she took my hardness inside her. And then finally thoughts of Anna sleeping peacefully in the bed beside me... so peaceful and calm.
    '...Anna!' I finally whispered.
    'Anna? Anna's here? Is she okay?' The man said greatly concerned.
    'She's...' I paused. I couldn't think of the right words to speak.
    'She's what David?' Continued the man, more urgent. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. 'What David? What's wrong with Anna? If there's something wrong with my wife then I want to know right now. Take me to her.'
    Wife! I felt numb inside. The small niggling thoughts of why I should resist my urges towards Anna were slowly making there way to my mind's surface. So Anna was not my wife as Ian had suggested. She belonged to this stranger in front of me and she to him, if in fact his words were truer than Ian's.
    'Your... wife?' I said with hollow feeling.
    'Yes David! My wife Anna! Is she okay?'
    'She... She's okay.' I said distant. 'She just can't remember... like me... She just can't remember.'
    'Show me?' Said the man determined.

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