The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)

Free The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) by Anne Marie Novark

Book: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) by Anne Marie Novark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Marie Novark
Joe's side.
    "Ready to play a little Frisbee?" Sam offered Tori a hand, pulling her to her feet and into his arms. He stole a quick hard kiss, before releasing her. "That's for good luck." He grabbed her hand and jogged after Joe and Raenell who were heading toward a large expanse of grass closer to the water's edge.
    "We're going to need it," Tori muttered softly, trying desperately to regain her breath. Kissing Sam without his shirt on, being held against his bare chest like that, had nearly made her swoon.
    Swoon? Nobody swooned nowadays. She'd definitely been reading too many romance novels lately. Except there was no doubt that she had felt faint.
    Tori did her best to keep up with Sam's long-legged strides. She couldn't stop her gaze from wandering over his tanned arms and shoulders, or the muscles rippling across his strong bare back.
    Damn! She was going to need a lot more than mere luck it if she was going to survive this relationship. Because whether Tori wanted to admit it or not, she was already involved in some kind of relationship with Sam Garza. Something about him definitely got to her. Not only on a sensual level, but on an emotional level, as well.
    How could such a strong man look so lost and vulnerable when he talked about his mother's illness or the dad he still missed? And how could she resist such a man?
    The Frisbee challenge turned into the Frisbee fiasco, as far as Tori was concerned. Joe and Raenell won hands down.
    "You owe me dinner, Garza," Joe said. "Next Saturday night. You, me and our two gorgeous ladies here. We'll make a night of it."
    Sam slapped his friend on the back. "Sounds like a win-win proposition to me, buddy."
    "I'm the winner, Garza. And don't you forget it."
    "Go to hell, Salinas."
    "I'll be right behind you, dude. Giving you a friendly push."
    "Hey y'all, why don't we walk around the lake, then go see the arboretum," Raenell suggested. "Tori and I've never been. I hear it's pretty awesome."
    "Lead the way, my lady." Joe made an exaggerated bow, as if he were a knight addressing a fair maiden.
    Raenell grinned, shot Tori a mischievous look, then started off toward the walking trail.
    "Hey, wait for me!" Joe called, running to catch up.
    Sam shook his head. "I think Joe's finally met his match."
    "I could say the same for Raenell." Tori gazed after the departing couple. "They definitely make an interesting pair."
    "Not as interesting as us." Sam took hold of Tori's hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles, making her breath hitch.
    They walked at a slow steady pace, keeping Joe and Raenell in their sights, yet maintaining a good distance behind them. For several minutes, they walked in companionable silence, hand in hand, soaking up the sunshine and the scenery.
    Sam had stuffed a napkin-wrapped piece of bread in his pocket, and he and Tori fed the ducks. They talked about everything and nothing. The afternoon passed quickly, and Tori couldn't remember when or if she'd ever enjoyed herself on a date as much as she had that day with Sam.
    The next Saturday evening, Sam picked Tori up at her apartment and headed toward downtown Dallas, where they were meeting Joe and Raenell at the exclusive five-star restaurant Joe had chosen for his winner's prize.
    "I'm so sorry I made you lose," Tori said, for like the umpteenth time.
    "It won't be a problem. Believe me, I can afford it."
    "But Joe shouldn't have picked one of the most expensive restaurants in Dallas. I thought he was your friend?"
    Sam hunched a shoulder. "That's Joe for you. He never likes to let me forget that-- quote , I made it big, unquote --in New York. It's not like he's hurting for money. He owns his own construction company."
    Sam exited the freeway and continued, "It's not the money that bothers me. What bothers me--and bothers is really too strong a word for it--what irritates me is that I'll never hear the end of it. Joe does like to rub his victories in my face."
    Tori crossed her

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