Rock the Viper

Free Rock the Viper by Sammie J

Book: Rock the Viper by Sammie J Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sammie J
how we both like it. Also, do you happen to have any headache tablets on you?”
    “Yes Mr Blaise, coffee coming up and let me see what I can do about the tablets.”
    I thank my PA and turn back to Jacob who looks very smug.
    “So, how is the black eye this morning?”
    I smirk at him, “Jacob until you say sorry, I will only talk business with you. I have nothing to say to you otherwise.”
    He smiles and I want to punch it right of his face, “Ok Noah, I'm sorry for punching you. Peppa is a sore subject between us but I would like to put it behind us. I have one more thing to say about Peppa and I will leave it alone, and that’s to let you know, I will get her back.”
    I raise an eyebrow and shake my head at him, “Ok Jacob good luck with that.” I know his sorry wasn't heartfelt and because of work I will have to put up with the little shit, so I let it go for now but I will bind my time.
    A knock comes at the door and my PA comes in with the coffees and she found me some tablets which I can't thank her enough for. She leaves and I'm left with Jacob once again.
    Four hours later, after many phone calls to different Venues up and down the country, sorting out dates and times, and getting papers ready for the lads to sign, Jacob finally leaves. But will be back soon, ready for the meeting with Viper.
    I take the time to go over everything again and I jump a little when there's a knock at the door. I stand and walk over to look out my window and shout, “Come in.”
    I tell the lads to take a seat and turn to face them, something is said about my black eye but I play it off. I give them the spill about how they have become big overnight and explain about the tour. It all goes smoothly and Cruz is the first one ready to sign. Jacob decides to join us and once again he has that smug look about him. A comment is made about going out to celebrate and the fun to be had with women or men, which then causes a heated glance to pass between Juan and I. Everyone signs and we head out to celebrate.
    When I step outside and make my way to the car, I stop suddenly and look at Juan as a wave of intense feelings hit me, and my dick suddenly comes awake. My head quickly looks over to Café Net and I see Peppa locking up for the night. It's not hard to figure out that when the three of us are in the same location the intensity is stronger and heats us all up. Peppa turns and it looks like she stumbles and puts her hand out to steady herself, I want to go to her but I wave at her instead. Jacob makes a comment to Juan which gets my attention.
    I take one more look at Peppa and get into the car. Jacob gets in next and says, “What the hell is Juan doing.” Jacob leans over the driver and makes the horn beep. Not long after Juan gets in the car and Jacob directs the driver to the outskirts of town to the strip club we know so well. I look in the wing mirror as we pull away to see Peppa staring after us.
    If I thought yesterday was a bad day, nothing feels worse than a black eye that throbs like hell and a hangover from a night out at a strip club. I sip some water and take some tablets and think back to the night before. I found myself sitting with Juan most of the night and both of us had no interest in the women throwing themselves at us. It's funny because this time last week I would have of loved the attention from the women and would have fucked one too, if offered. But there's only one woman I want right now. Cruz and Jacob love the attention and get sucked in, they have women around them all night. Saul disappears for most of the night, I have no idea where he went. It was after 1:00 am when I get home and was in work for 8 am so no wonder I feel rough.
    Jacob stays out of my way today and more phone calls come asking about Viper, I set them up with a few interviews at some big radio stations. At 5:00 pm I’m more than ready to hit the road and get ready to leave, I close my office door and my phone rings I answer

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