Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay)

Free Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay) by Nan Reinhardt

Book: Sex and the Widow Miles (The Women of Willow Bay) by Nan Reinhardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nan Reinhardt
snagged a fluffy dot that had somehow ended up on the end of my nose and then brushed it over my lips.
    My tongue slipped out to catch it, but caught his finger instead. He lingered there on my lower lip, which trembled when he touched it. When he ran his finger over my mouth, heat flushed my cheeks. I blinked and sucked in a quick breath. “Will, I—”
    “ Shhh.” He cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, tunneling his fingers under my hair. Tugging me closer, he leaned in and lightly touched his lips to mine.
    When I didn ’t pull away, he increased the pressure, letting his tongue trace the seam between my lips. I put one hand up, ran it over his shoulder and around to the back of his neck, and opened my lips to him.
    He stood and balanced himself with his other hand. For one second, I wondered why he didn ’t come around the island and take me in his arms, but I wasn’t about to let go of the kiss to ask. His tongue met mine, and I tasted chocolate and sweet cream and Will. A moan escaped into the kiss as he leaned in even more and the fire in my core increased. After a long delicious moment, I pulled away, slowly dropping back off my toes.
    When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me. Heat flared in his expression, his pupils were pinpricks of emotion, and he swallowed hard.
    My libido shouted at me to grab him and haul him to the closest bed. When I met his gaze, I knew in that moment all I had to do was give him a sign and he’d make love to me right then and there. Dear God, I wanted to, more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, but I didn’t say anything.
    His breath ing stuttered and his hands on my face shook. Then he surprised the hell out of me. He closed his eyes, and a deep breath later, tucked my tousled hair behind my ear and brushed his lips over mine.
    “ Good night, Slugger, thanks for dinner. It was great.”

    I didn ’t realize I was holding my breath until the door closed quietly behind Will. I released it in a giant whoosh before I laid my forehead on the cool granite of the countertop.
    Shit. Shit. Shit.
    My heart still pounded, every nerve humming from that sensual contact. Good Lord, the boy could kiss. The man could kiss, because most certainly Will Brody was all man. I whimpered into the granite. This was not good. Not good at all. Raising my head, I cradled it in my palms and tried to gain some semblance of common sense.
    Sex had reared its frustrating little head again, and I hadn ’t been so shocked about anything since the night Charlie dropped dead in my arms. Taking a deep breath, I poured some more wine into my glass and slugged it down. It never occurred to me that I’d desire anyone except my husband. I’d never wanted any man but Charlie, so when he died, I assumed I’d live my life as a widow and one day a grandmother, but never again as someone’s lover. When was the appropriate time for a widow to start having carnal thoughts about another man? Only a year after her husband dies? And what would said husband think of me salivating over a man only a few years older than our son? Yeah, my life was changing and I was so much better, but was a fling with Will Brody the right path to take?
    La Belle Femme had brought significance into my existence again, a way I could get out of my own head. I was having the time of my life assisting Sarah in putting together looks for those brave women. Who knew that my fashion sense would turn into a way to help others? I really believed it was my mission now, what would fulfill me. I could live happily by myself being a grandmother, a friend, and finding good causes. But Will Brody had thrown a monkey wrench into that line of thinking.
    Did I need something more to feel fulfilled? Was he the something more?
    Damn him anyway. Why did he have to be such a nice man? So kind and considerate and smart and talented? Okay, and he was damned good-looking, too. And why, oh why, did he have to tell me

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