His Risk to Take
whimpering as his thumb continued its unyielding assault. “What did you think about in class, Ruby?” She released an impatient sob. “Answer me, or I’ll remove by thumb.”
    “No. Please, don’t.” She sucked in a shaky breath, trying to divide her focus between talking and his insistent torture of her damp, needy flesh. “I thought about w-what would’ve happened if I’d stayed the whole night,” she breathed, her words running together. “I thought about waking up…wondered what you would have done.”
    “Should I show you?” he growled.
    “ Yes .”
    In the blink of an eye, he removed the hand between her legs and spun her around to face him. Her backside hit the surface of the table hard, and he pushed her legs open forcefully. Troy deftly rolled on the condom, and drove himself home inside her in one powerful thrust. Ruby’s scream mingled with his shouted expletive. Before she’d fully registered his ample size filling her so completely, he began to move. He rolled his hips down at an angle, his swollen length making contact with her clitoris with each frantic pound into her.
    When her head fell back on her shoulders, Troy sunk his fingers into her hair and tilted her head back up until she looked him square in the eye. “As long as you’re with me, I don’t want some punk thinking he has the right to touch your gorgeous face. If you want to be touched, you tell me where, and I’ll take care of it. I’m the only one who touches you now, Ruby. Me .”
    Ruby tried to think, reason through the pleasure, but her mind wouldn’t allow it. She could only concentrate on Troy’s calculated dismantling of her defenses. He guided her down with his body until her back arched on the table’s surface, and then he straightened again.
    “Stay right there. I want to see every inch of your body when you come. It’s going to happen soon, baby. I can already feel your pussy tightening up on me.” His feverish eyes were hidden almost completely by his eyelids, pleasure blanketing his sensual features as he continued to drive into her at a wild pace. Once again, he dipped his thumb between her legs to massage her in that perfect spot, sending her hurtling toward release.
    “Oh God, Troy. Oh God! ”
    As she writhed and shook on the table, Troy gripped her knees and pushed them wider to accommodate him. Leaning down over her, he buried his face in her neck, his thrusts increasing in their intensity until she could feel the table scraping on the ground underneath them. He swelled larger inside of her, his groans of satisfaction getting louder and more guttural with each forceful movement of his big body. When he finally reached completion, her name was a growl against her neck before he sunk his teeth into her shoulder. She cried out, grateful for the shock of pain because it brought her back to earth. To where Troy lay on top of her, struggling to regain his breath, their bodies locked together like two puzzle pieces.
    He pulled back to look at her. “Are you still here with me?”
    Nodding, she reached up and cupped his cheek. “I’m here.”
    Relief transformed his face before he scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. When he laid her down on his bed, she scooted under the covers. Troy climbed in beside her and pulled her up against his bare chest, sighing as their heads hit the pillows.
    Ruby waited, knowing their conversation from earlier was far from over. She didn’t want to think about the ramifications of their mutual connection to Lenny Driscol or Troy trying to send her away. Simply wanted to lay there in his arms and collect her scattered thoughts. Behind her, however, she could feel tension slowly building in his hard frame and knew what would eventually come to shatter their momentary peace. So she shattered it first.
    “What do you want Lenny for?”
    Troy sighed. “You know I can’t tell you that.”
    Her heart lurched. “Because you’re afraid I’ll clue him in?”

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