Indiscretion: Volume Three (Indiscretion #3)

Free Indiscretion: Volume Three (Indiscretion #3) by Elisabeth Grace

Book: Indiscretion: Volume Three (Indiscretion #3) by Elisabeth Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Grace
thin line. “She did.”
    I put on a shaky smile. “Any chance you can keep this between us like the last time and see if you can find anything out?”
    He shook his head, looking hesitant. “Because you’re Jackie’s best friend, yes. But I don’t like it. If you’d do up a report, I could get a team out to your place to dust for prints and do the same on your tires. But without an official report, I can’t make use of those resources.”
    “I know.” I nodded. “And I hate putting you in this position, but it’s really important.”
    He let out a long sigh. “Alright, well let’s blow these babies up and get you on your way.”
    He walked back to his car and pulled a compressor out of the trunk. Once he’d set it up and was inflating the first tire, he came to lean against the car beside me, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
    “Do you have any idea who would be doing this or why?”
    I shook my head rapidly. “None. It makes no sense.”
    “I probably shouldn’t say anything because I don’t want you to take this lightly, but I’m not getting the feeling that this person is out to hurt you.”
    That was a relief. Sort of. “What makes you say that?”
    He pushed up off the car and turned with his hands on his hips, his lips pursed as he looked at my back tire. “Part of it is just my gut talking after being on the force for fifteen years, but if you look at both incidents, neither of them were overtly threatening. There was someone in your house when you were sleeping and yet they didn’t bother you. They just left something they wanted you to see. And then your tires. They didn’t slash them, they took the time to let the air out, and then of all things, they replaced the cap back on the nozzle.”
    I hadn’t even realized that. That was strange. “If they didn’t want to hurt me, why go to all this trouble?”
    He took a moment to think about it. “Any idea if this Max guy has any enemies?” he asked, crossing his arms.
    Truth was, I had no idea. I felt like a complete idiot, but Max and I hadn’t delved too much into his past. What did I really know about him? “I have no idea. I mean, you know who he is…I’m sure Jackie told you. I would assume, with as much money as his family has, that some people aren’t happy about it…Right?” I was beginning to realize that I really didn’t know that much about Max. I’d been very open with him about my own past, but he’d been steadily avoiding a lot of my questions. And I’d let him without much protest.
    Jamie dipped his head and looked at me from under drawn eyebrows. “Maybe you should ask him.”
    I bit my lower lip. “Yeah, maybe.”

    That Friday night, Paul wanted to head out for a couple of drinks. He’d suggested Geddy’s, but since Chloe would be there singing, I suggested a pub instead. I was going to have a hard enough time tomorrow night, pretending there wasn’t more between us. I wasn’t sure I could handle it two nights in a row.
    As usual, I was running late. I’d been working from the hotel suite today and time had gotten away from me. Walking into Bar Harbor Beer Works, I found Paul sitting at the bar, watching a baseball game on TV.
    “Hey. Sorry I’m late,” I said, taking the seat beside him.
    He shrugged. “Nothing I’m not used to, man.”
    I slapped his shoulder and grinned. “One of us has to make sure shit’s getting done.”
    Paul laughed and tipped his beer at me, then took a sip. He slid the other beer sitting in front of him over to me. “I ordered for you.”
    “Thanks. I’ll get the next round.”
    “I know,” he said, clinking his bottle with mine. “Cheers.”
    We talked shop for a few minutes, Paul bringing me up to date on some problems he was having with delivery of some structural steel. It’d been an ongoing issue with this project, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He’d already threatened to kick the supplier off the job if they didn’t get their shit

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