Tender Rebel

Free Tender Rebel by Johanna Lindsey

Book: Tender Rebel by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
Only she has a promise to fulfill that’s important to her, and for whatever reason, there’s a time limit on it. If you interfere, there’s liable to be trouble, not to mention hurt.”
    Anthony smiled at her fondly. “Your concern is commendable for someone you’ve just met, Reggie, but a bit premature, don’t you think? And besides, she’s not some ninnyhammer without a lick of sense. She’s independent and answerable to no one but herself. You said so yourself. So don’t you think she’s old enough, and mature enough, to fend off a rakehell like me if she wants to?”
    “That word want scares me to death,” she groaned, only to hear him laugh again.
    “You talked to her for a considerable time last night. Did she happen to mention me?”
    Good Lord! That he should ask such a question proved he was most definitely serious, even after everything she had told him.
    “If you must know, you were about the only topic we discussed, but that’s not unusual, since just about everyone there last night was discussing you. In fact, I’m quite sure she heard an earful from the gossips before I got hold of her.”
    “Did you paint a pretty picture for me, puss?”
    “I tried, but she wasn’t buying it. And yet I suppose you’ll be delighted to know that however much she feigned indifference, her interest was as plain to recognize as yours is.” The smile that remark elicited nearly blinded her. “Oh, dear. I shouldn’t have told you that, but since I did, I must also tell you that regardless of her interest, she still went off to better her acquaintance with the gentlemen she is considering for marriage. You might have made an impression, but it hasn’t changed her plans in the least.”
    Regina could see that nothing she said was going to discourage him, and she had said all she could. She might as well have saved her breath. She had never tried to interfere in his love life before, and now she saw how pointless it was to try this once. He was going to do as he pleased, just as he always did. God knew, Uncle Jason had tried for years and years to curb Tony’s hedonism without success. What had made her think she would have any better luck?
    She realized suddenly how utterly foolish she had been. Here she had been trying to change the very qualities that she had always found most endearing in Anthony. He was a charming rake. That was what he was and what made him her favorite uncle. If he left countless broken hearts behind, it was only because women couldn’t help falling in love with him, although he never took any of his affairs seriously. But he did give pleasure and happiness too. That counted for a lot.
    “I hope you’re not going to be angry with me for putting my nose in where it doesn’t belong.” She gave him the smile he could never resist.
    “It’s such a pretty nose.”
    “But too big at the moment. I’m sorry, Tony, I really am. I just thought—well, never mind. You’ve managed thus far to get by without anyone’s advice. I suppose we should catch up with—”
    Regina didn’t finish. Her eyes were caught by a magnificent black stallion prancing along at a slow canter to accommodate the pony beside it, but to see who was controlling the powerful beast made her groan inwardly. What horrid luck. Of all the people to encounter at this moment.

    She glanced to see if Anthony had noticed Lady Roslynn yet. Of course he had. If the prime horseflesh hadn’t caught his eye, the Irish green riding habit and sun-bright hair would have. But his unguarded expression was almost embarrassing to observe.
    Good Lord, she had never seen him look at a woman like that before, and she had seen him with dozens of his ladyloves. Last night he had stared, yes, deliberately, a game of seduction played solely with the eyes. This was different. This was a look Nicholas might give Regina, of passion mixed with more tender feelings.
    Well, that did it. She felt even more of an idiot now for having tried to warn

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