Waiting for Always
back to me with stars in her eyes. She followed my hand to my pocket and when I pulled out the square box, her eyes were as big as the moon.
    I kneeled in the sand before her, opening the box. "Will you mar-"
    "YES!" she squealed, dropping to her knees in front of me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed all the air from my lungs.
    She slipped the ring on her finger and collapsed on the sand, laughing with tears streaming down her face. I slid next to her, propping my head on my hand.
    "You barely let me get it out,” I joked, happier than I ever thought was possible. “Maybe I was asking if you wanted to mark this occasion with a kiss."
    She shoved me playfully. "Who says we still can't? A kiss for your lips-" Her eyes danced to my crotch. "And a kiss somewhere lower."
    I kissed her a second time. This one hinted at all the things I wanted to do to her tonight, and all of the days and nights for the rest of our lives.
    I grazed her lips with my own. "You're sure you want to put up with me, ‘til death do us part?’"
    "And beyond,” she grinned, her face aglow.
    Lying with her beneath the stars, I knew forever wouldn't begin to be long enough—but it was a good start.
    Thank you for taking the time to read Waiting For Always. Please consider leaving a review. xoxo, Ava
    The Beautiful Surrender Series
    Waiting For You (Beautiful Surrender: Part One)
    Waiting For Me (Beautiful Surrender: Part Two)
    Waiting For Us ( Beautiful Surrender: Part Three)
    Waiting For Forever (Beautiful Surrender: Part Four)
    Waiting For Always (Beautiful Surrender: Part Five)
    Check out other works by Ava here .

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