Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion

Free Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion by Joseph Prince

Book: Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion by Joseph Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Prince
    As a young Christian growing up in a traditional church, what struck me most about the Holy Communion was God’s judgment. I believed that unless I confessed all my sins before partaking, I would bring damnation upon myself.
    At first, I tried to confess every single sin to get right with God before partaking, but after some time, I decided that it was easier to just not have Communion.
    I believe that many Christians still have that same fear. And the average believer would have many unanswered questions and all kinds of worries about bringing judgment on himself. These stem from a misinterpretation of key verses on the subject.
    Some Christians wonder if they can partake when they are not water baptised, while others are unsure if they need to attend classes before they can take the bread and wine.
    When I became a pastor and had to minister the Holy Communion, my search for those answers led me to see the loving heart of God expressed in the Lord’s Supper. I discovered that God ordained the Holy Communion not as a ritual to be observed, but as a blessing to be received — the blessing of health and wholeness.
    When you hold the bread in your hand, you are coming in touch with the greatest expression of His love. This love made Him endure the cruel stripes on His back and caused Him to subject His body to be beaten, bruised and broken so that yours can be whole. And when you partake, you celebrate and release your faith to receive His health and wholeness in exchange for your sicknesses and diseases.
    When you drink the wine, you are reminded that the blood of the sinless Son of God did not just bring you forgiveness — it made you forever righteous, holy and blameless. So today, you have perfect standing before the Father and His ears are attentive to your softest sigh.
    My prayer is that this book will help remove all your fears every time you approach His Table, and stir up your faith to receive the blessings of health and wholeness through His body and blood.

chapter 1
    The Holy Communion — God’s Channel Of Divine Health

chapter 1
    The Holy Communion — God’s Channel Of Divine Health

    Next to being saved from hell or eternal destruction, divine health is the greatest blessing we can have.
    Some people might say, “No, Pastor Prince. It would be great if I had lots of money. Then, I can do so many things.” Well, I know of people who have lots of money. They have fleets of cars, but are not able to drive a single one of them because they are flat on their backs, sick.

    Jesus did not walk on water all the time, He did not calm storms all the time, but He healed all the time.

    If someone is on his deathbed, I do not think he would say, “I wish I had made one more million.” I believe he would be thinking, “If only I could have my health back. There are so many things to do, so many people to say ‘I love you’ to.”
    You can also have a great family with wonderful children, but if you are sick, and cannot run around and play with your kids, that would be sheer misery.
    That is why I believe that health is the greatest blessing we can have while we are still here on earth. Without it, there is no way we can enjoy the blessings of God.
    God’s Nature Is To Heal
    You will find that when Jesus walked on earth, most of His miracles were in the area of healing. That is because His nature is to heal.
    The Bible says that Jesus “… went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) He did not walk on water all the time, He did not calm storms all the time, but He healed all the time.
    When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt to bring them into the Promised Land, He made sure that none of them were sick.
    Psalm 105:37
    37 He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes.
    In Cecil De Mille’s production of The Ten Commandments, a blind old man shuffled out of Egypt with a

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