Del's Pirates [Sequel to G'baena's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Del's Pirates [Sequel to G'baena's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rachel Clark

Book: Del's Pirates [Sequel to G'baena's Pirates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rachel Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Clark
Tags: Romance
babe,” Cooper said as he sat on the edge of the bed next to Avery. Cooper caressed her inner thighs, encouraging her to keep her legs wide open. Finally, Del understood what hair Cooper planned to remove.
    Desire tightened his insides as he imagined Avery’s pussy all pink and smooth. Fortunately, as Cooper had said earlier, the laser technology was very safe, and on the lower setting would only remove the hair temporarily.
    Avery moaned at the laser’s warm touch, the hair disappearing as it moved slowly over her skin. Cooper lifted her legs higher, bending them at the knees and pushing them against her chest. Avery lay there, a soft smile on her face, her willingness to submit to Cooper’s wishes very obvious.
    Del took his time, carefully removing and cleaning away the unwanted hair. Avery’s juices slipped from her pussy, the clear lubricant slicking Del’s fingers as he caressed the flesh, checking for any hairs he may have missed.
    Avery whimpered, her need growing, her breathing rapid.
    “Go ahead, Del,” Cooper said, reaching over to take the hair removal equipment from Del’s hand. “Avery needs you to fill her with your fingers and suck on that pretty clit until she orgasms. Isn’t that right, Avery-girl?”
    “Yes,” she said breathlessly, writhing against the mattress even though Cooper still held her knees trapped against her chest.
    Del slid a finger deep inside her, her honeyed warmth surrounding him as her pussy walls fluttered and caressed him.
    “More,” Avery said on a whimper of need. “Please, more.”
    Del pulled his hand back, his long cobalt-colored finger sliding from inside her pink flesh. He pushed two fingers back into her, watching Avery’s swollen labia close around them, her pussy pulsing more juice onto him as he thrust gently. He added a third, moaning with her as her muscles clenched around the invasion.
    “Do it,” Cooper said, his voice husky, his body taut with arousal.
    Del lowered his head to Avery’s clit, the tiny bud swollen and distended with her arousal. He licked it gently, worried that he might hurt her, but she pushed down, rubbing her pussy against his mouth, her clit brushing against his teeth. She gasped at the contact, her whole body starting to shake, her climax building, climbing, ready to soar.
    Del held her there, enjoying the power, wanting this chance to give her pleasure to last for a lifetime.
    “Are your fingers slicked up?” Cooper asked in a tight voice.
    “Yes,” Del whispered around Avery’s clit.
    “Good,” Cooper practically growled. “Take one out and push it into her ass.” Del nodded, still licking Avery’s clit as he pulled his fingers from her body, pushed one against her anus and the other two back into her pussy. Avery’s climax burst over her, his finger sliding into her back passage as her ass and pussy convulsed around his digits. She moaned, jolting harder as Del took her clit into his mouth, suckling on the tumescent flesh as Cooper held her down.
    “Fuck,” she said on a halting exhale of breath, a low moan escaping her as she finally relaxed against the mattress.
    “That was beautiful, Avery-girl,” Cooper said as he pushed the hair away from her face. “Now, I want you to fuck Del while I prepare your ass for my cock.”
    She moaned, her ass and pussy both clamping down on Del’s fingers again.
    * * * *
    Avery could barely breathe. Holy fuck . She’d known Cooper was a take-charge kind of guy, but wow oh wow, when he set his mind to it the effect was mind-blowing.
    Her ass clenched as Del tried to pull his fingers away. He looked at her face, worry in his eyes as he stopped moving. “It’s okay,” she said, trying to reassure him. She had to force her muscles to relax before he even moved again. Once he was free, he leaned over her, kissed her with heart-rending tenderness, and then rolled off the bed.
    He quickly tore his own clothes off, returning moments later to lie on his side next to Avery

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