The Pretend Fiancé

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Book: The Pretend Fiancé by Lucy Lambert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Lambert
Catherine said.
    "So much," Gwen agreed. Unable to take the waiting any longer, Gwen broke it with, "So, what's the verdict, Your Honor?"
    "You're not a terrible person," Catherine said.
    "I'm not sure I believe you."
    Catherine set down her saucer, then put the empty mug onto it with a clink. "I never said you had to. I think a terrible person wouldn't have been bothered by this at all. They would have just rammed it right on through without thinking of anyone else. That's what makes a person terrible, you see, lack of empathy... Sorry, sometimes that freshman philosophy course rears its ugly, useless head."
    "No problem," Gwen said, absorbing Catherine's words.
    "Not terrible. But maybe a little selfish. And if we want to spice up the recipe, a dash of short-sightedness..."
    "Thanks," Gwen said, heaving a sigh.
    "Hey, I'm not trying to offend you. Please don't take it that way. I also think it's incredibly sweet and endearing, how far you're willing to go for him. I wish I had a man who'd do all that for me!"
    She bet that Catherine could get any man she wanted. Any man who wasn't gay, at least. Gwen did her best to fight back the little sparks of jealousy and irritation flaring up inside her. Although she suspected that her irritation stemmed from her knowing that Catherine was right. "One will come along."
    "Maybe," Catherine said, dismissing the point with a wave of her hand. She got a look at her watch. "You know, I still have to check in. And then I have this meeting with my boss. He's been away for a while and needs to be caught up on some new developments. But this has been nice! Lovely meeting you, Gwen."
    Catherine pulled a few of those funny looking Euro bank notes from her purse and tucked them beneath her saucer so that the wind couldn't snatch them away, then she offered her hand to Gwen.
    Gwen accepted, surprised at the strength of the grip. "Nice meeting you, too... Hey," she said, not letting go when Catherine tried to disengage. "What do you think I should do?"
    Catherine frowned slightly, the tiniest little wrinkle forming between her perfectly-kept eyebrows. "I say go for it."
    "I thought it was selfish and short-sighted, though?" Gwen said, still not letting go. She really needed to know.
    "Love is selfish and short-sighted. Except when it's selfless, I suppose. Like with parents. You can't force them to sign onto your plan, but that doesn't mean you can't, or shouldn't, ask them. So go for it. Maybe it will all work out. And it sounds like your new fiancé will love you no matter how it ends up. Besides, you could probably get a movie deal for the story. I know I'd go see it! Now, I'm sorry, but I really do have to run..."
    This time Gwen let go. She watched Catherine walk away, back towards the hotel, and tried not to be too jealous of that view, either. For a few moments, she felt a pang of regret at not asking for Catherine's email or something. It seemed like they'd hit it off pretty well. It would be nice to see her again.
    Emboldened, filled with a renewed sense of purpose, Gwen snatched the new contract up from the bistro table.

Chapter 9
    "I 'm sorry, you want us to what?" Barb said.
    Gwen had gone straight back to the hotel, knocked on her mother's door, and dragged her over to her father's room. Barb and David sat in the pair of wingback chairs in the corner while Gwen stood in front of them, the contract laid on the coffee table.
    "We're clearly just not understanding, Barb," David said. His own confusion revealed itself in the way his eyebrows kept climbing up his forehead and then dropping back down.
    Gwen had felt so good, so energized, after that talk with Catherine. But now the frustration started coming back.
    "Okay, let me try the quick version. Aiden's grandmother, Judith, hates me and thinks I'm a gold digger out to take Aiden for his money. One of the big reasons she hates me is you two, and the way you act around each other. It comes down to this. If you don't agree to help me with

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