Bella Fortuna

Free Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo

Book: Bella Fortuna by Rosanna Chiofalo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosanna Chiofalo
stunning! Yes, it’s very different from your usual fashion tastes. But it’s perfect, and it looks perfect on you! You look like Venus coming out of the sea. It’s a masterpiece! I can’t believe I’m standing here, watching my oldest daughter in her wedding dress at last! I never thought I’d see the day.”
    â€œOh, Ma! Stop with the hysterics!” Rita laughs.
    â€œShush! You’re ruining the moment for me. Come here, Valentina.”
    Ma opens her arms wide. I pick up the skirt of my dress and walk over to her, letting her embrace me.
    â€œI’m so proud of you. Look at the gorgeous work you’ve done on this dress. Your seamstress skills are impeccable. But of course, you learned from the best.”
    Ma winks at me.
    â€œI’m glad you like the dress, Ma. Your opinion means the world to me.”
    â€œLet’s get some shots! You’ll need them to show the stylist when you go for your hair rehearsals.” Wasting no time, Connie grabs her iPhone and clicks away.
    Suddenly, the sounds of Madonna’s “Vogue” come streaming through the shop’s stereo system.
    â€œThis is a Madonna moment!” Rita exclaims. Though it’s 2010, Madonna remains her idol.
    â€œOh God! You guys are cheesy!”
    But I decide to indulge my sisters for once, and begin striking poses.
    â€œThat’s it! You show it off, girl! Whoo-hoo!” Connie shouts as she continues taking pictures.
    I pick up my hair and pout my lips, giving them my best sultry pose.
    â€œNow, you’re talking! Where have you been hiding all these years, Vee?” Rita asks me.
    â€œI’m the big sister. I have to be a role model. Just because I don’t flaunt my wild side doesn’t mean I don’t have one!”
    â€œWhoa!!!!!” Rita and Connie yell out.
    â€œYou girls are crazy!”
    Ma is blushing, but she’s also laughing. And tears are still streaming down her face.
    I whirl around.
    He’s standing still, gaping at me, much like he did the first time we made love and he saw me naked.
    And then it hits me.
    â€œOh my God, Michael! Get out of here!” I scream, ducking for cover behind Rita.
    All hell breaks loose. Ma yells like I’ve never heard her yell before, “ Malocchio! Malocchio! Go, go! Get out! You’ll give her malocchio! It’s bad luck forever!”
    But Michael is still just standing there, staring at me, even though by now my sisters are doing their best to use their bodies to shield my dress from view. It reminds me of when we used to play Twister as kids. Then, Connie quickly leaves my side. I crouch lower behind Rita’s back, incredulous that Connie has abandoned me. But just as soon as this thought pops into my mind, a fabric is dropped over my head.
    â€œStay there! Don’t move!” Connie orders me.
    She drapes muslin over me. Rita moves away from my crouching figure and adjusts the fabric. I drop to all fours, making it easier for Rita and Connie to cover me. I feel like a dog after it’s been shampooed against its will and is seeking refuge by rolling up in a towel. But I’m not doing any rolling. I’m just frozen in place like a squirrel, too petrified to move. How ridiculous must I look now to Michael!
    I hear Ma’s heavy wooden Dr. Scholl’s clogs as she scurries over to Michael.
    â€œPlease! Go now!” I hear the bell of the door and the sounds from the street once it’s opened.
    â€œOkay, okay. I’m going.” Michael is laughing. “Don’t worry, Signora DeLuca. There’s no such thing as bad luck.”
    â€œDon’t tell a woman what she knows. I’ve got forty years over you, hot shot. Now go and don’t come back in here until after the wedding! You never know when Valentina will be trying her dress on for alterations.”
    â€œ ’Bye, Vee, I’ll see you later, if you

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