would've had soldiers hunt us down like stags to ground." A deep look of pain crossed Duncan's features. "Besides, by then it was too late. The damage had already been done."
"You knew?" Legion felt shock that Duncan had been privy to what had happened to Conar. He thought only Hern had known.
"Let's just say I suspected." Duncan's black hair was platted in one long braid down the center of his wide shoulders. He shook his head, swung the braid over his right shoulder, and held it up. "Do you remember when you and Brelan tried to cut my hair when I was eight?"
Legion's smiled. "A mistake such as that I don't think either one of us is likely to ever forget."
"No man touches what is mine without my permission. Kaileel tried with me, and he failed." His gaze went to Conar. "But I wasn't the one he wanted, anyway."
"That bastard has hurt a lot of people." Legion nodded toward Chase Montyne. "A lot of people."
Duncan took up a piece of hay from the floor and twirled it in his fingers. "And he's hurt you in a way only I can see, I think."
"He never laid a hand on me. I was too wise to what he was. Jah-Ma-El, Galen, Conar...they were not so lucky."
"Nicholas, too."
Legion stared at him. "I didn't know."
Shrugging his massive shoulders, Duncan sighed. "It was not something we talked about. My only regret is that we never told Papa. If we had, maybe something could have been done and Nicky wouldn't have had that son-of-a-bitch's hands on him."
"Tohre has a lot to answer for."
"He meant for Conar to suffer the most. It was always Conar with him. His unholy love for our brother was like a spur under his saddle. Once he had the kingdom totally in his power, he'd have brought Conar back in chains, at the mercy of the Domination, and the people would have done anything they were told to do in order to keep Conar safe."
"He would've held him as ransom for our good behavior and cooperation, you mean?"
"Exactly. That's why he never allowed any man other than Conar's own kin to wed his woman. He knew the dissension Conar's return would cause. And what better way to hurt our brother than to have you, the man he loved best, wed his woman? Such a realization must have pierced Conar to his very soul."
Legion looked away, hurt by the words. "I never meant to hurt him."
"Of course not. But you've only to look into his strange eyes to know how badly the situation torments him." He laid a hand on Legion's thigh. "I'm glad it's not me who keeps him from his heart's desire."
Legion frowned. "Why do you say that?"
"You're an intelligent man, A'Lex. How long do you think you can keep them apart? They were destined to be together. No matter how much she loves you or you love her, that love will never equal the god-sent attraction that first brought them--and held them--together."
Legion ground his teeth. "She is my wife. I will not give her up!"
"She was his wife, too. Do you really think he has given her up?"
* * * *
Well past midnight, the rain stopped at last. The wind lessened and the stars shone down on a cold night. Somewhere far off, a lonely wolf bayed to the heavens in thanksgiving, and a spectral bird chirped in the downed branches of a chinaberry tree.
Liza made her way around broken furniture and fallen wood, past shattered glass and sodden clothing, heading down to the dungeon. She had awakened to the snores of the men in the stable and had stared at the creaking ceiling beams overhead. Sighing, she had given up trying to sleep, needing solitude she could not find amid a roomful of people.
Drawing Legion's woolen great cape around her, she struggled with its bulk and weight, but grew thankful of the warmth. She took a lantern, but picking her way amid the destruction seemed easier than she had thought it would be--a lazy, bright moon shone down on the rubble like a beacon.
As she stepped off the last riser to the dungeon floor, Liza tensed, hearing the crunch of a footstep behind her. Turning, she saw in the doorway a