Home for a Soldier

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Book: Home for a Soldier by Tatiana March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tatiana March
Tags: Contemporary
“Especially on
my wedding day.”
    “It’s okay.” He nudged her a little
closer. “I like to follow the rules, too.”
    They danced a moment in silence.
“What happened to those two?” Grace tilted her head at a pair of soldiers
slipping out through the sliding doors to join the smokers on the patio.
    “Al and Tyrone?”
    “The ones with the black eye and the
cut lip. Rory was glaring at them when he made his speech.”
    “You’d better ask him.”
    “I’m asking you. As a fellow
law-abiding citizen.” When Karim didn’t reply, Grace pointed at Joe who stood by
the CD player, his head tipped back as he took a long gulp from a bottle of
beer. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll ask Joe. He’s too drunk to be discreet.”
    Karim guided her through a set of
complex steps and pulled her close again. “Rory beat them up.”
    Karim hesitated. “They made unkind
comments about you. They said your name should be Disgrace, not Grace.”
    “Oh.” Embarrassment burned her
cheeks. “I guess I’m a little…dowdy.”
    “Grace.” Karim pushed her half a step
back and studied her face. “They were just winding Rory up. They were as stunned
as the rest of us when you appeared in your wedding dress, looking like an
angel.” He supported her through another turn. “But there is something
you ought to think about.”
    “Why did Rory leap to your defense?”
Karim paused. “He could have brushed it off. Instead, he pounced like a tiger,
furious on your behalf.”
    Grace shrugged and said nothing. She
lowered her eyes, confused by the feelings that battled inside her as pleasure
over Rory’s reaction eased the sting of the mocking words.
    Karim folded her close, allowing her
to hide her discomfort. “Don’t let Rory’s looks fool you. I’ve never known him
to have a girlfriend. Only casual flings. I think he’s had his heart shattered
in the past. I’d hate to see it happen to him again.”
    Grace forced an uncertain laugh, so
ridiculous was the idea that she possessed the weapons to hurt a man like Rory
Sullivan. “It’s just a fake marriage,” she said. “You know that.”
    Karim didn’t reply.  Instead, he
passed her on to Joe, who had sauntered up and stood waiting for his turn.
    “How’s the bride?” Joe slurred, his
eyes twinkling out of focus. “Sorry,” he said after a loud hiccup. “I had to
stay sober to drive yesterday. I’m catching up.”
    “Doesn’t seem to affect your
dancing,” Grace told him.
    “You are talking to the jive champion
of Montgomery County,” Joe boasted, and dipped her nearly horizontal, his arm
tight around her waist. He leaned over and yanked her up to his chest, with an
obvious intent of kissing her.
    Grace let out a frantic cry, not
because she feared Joe’s kiss, but because they were toppling out of balance. He
would crush her. As she flailed her arms, trying to squirm free, Joe’s body was
hoisted away from her.
    Grace straightened to witness Rory
propping Joe to his feet. “If you try to kiss my wife again, I’ll twist your
dick into such a tight knot you’ll never piss straight again,” Rory growled.
“Are we clear on that?” He gave Joe a shake that rattled his head on his
    “We were just dancing,” Joe
    “You were about to fall over and use
Grace as your landing pad. She could have been hurt.”
    “Sorry.” Joe gave an awkward shrug.
“I haven’t danced with a woman in months. I got carried away.”
    Grace placed a restraining hand on
Rory’s arm. “It’s my fault. I don’t dance well enough to keep up with Joe.”
    “Are you okay?” Rory glanced at her
over his shoulder.
    “I’m fine.” She offered him a shaky
smile. “Everything’s lovely, but I’m a little tired. If it’s all right, I’d like
to go back to the hotel now.”
    “Sure.” Rory released Joe and pulled
Grace to his side. “We’ll just say goodbye to Muriel and the

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