The One Year Bible TLB

Free The One Year Bible TLB by Tyndale

Book: The One Year Bible TLB by Tyndale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyndale
from those who hated me—I who was helpless in their hands.
    18  On the day when I was weakest, they attacked. But the Lord held me steady. 19  He led me to a place of safety, for he delights in me.
    20  The Lord rewarded me for doing right and being pure. 21  For I have followed his commands and have not sinned by turning back from following him. 22  I kept close watch on all his laws; I did not refuse a single one. 23  I did my best to keep them all, holding myself back from doing wrong. 24  And so the Lord has paid me with his blessings, for I have done what is right, and I am pure of heart. This he knows, for he watches my every step.
    25  Lord, how merciful you are to those who are merciful. And you do not punish those who run from evil. * 26  You give blessings to the pure but pain to those who leave your paths. 27  You deliver the humble but condemn the proud and haughty ones. 28  You have turned on my light! The Lord my God has made my darkness turn to light. 29  Now in your strength I can scale any wall, attack any troop.
    30  What a God he is! How perfect in every way! All his promises prove true. He is a shield for everyone who hides behind him. 31  For who is God except our Lord? Who but he is as a rock?
    32  He fills me with strength and protects me wherever I go. 33  He gives me the surefootedness of a mountain goat upon the crags. He leads me safely along the top of the cliffs. 34  He prepares me for battle and gives me strength to draw an iron bow! *
    Proverbs 4:7-10
    Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! And with your wisdom, develop common sense and good judgment. 8-9  If you exalt wisdom, she will exalt you. Hold her fast, and she will lead you to great honor; she will place a beautiful crown upon your head. 10  My son, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life.

January 22
    Genesis 44:1–45:28
    Matthew 14:13-36
    Psalm 18:35-50
    Proverbs 4:11-13
    Genesis 44:1–45:28
    When his brothers were ready to leave, * Joseph ordered his household manager to fill each of their sacks with as much grain as they could carry—and to put into the mouth of each man’s sack the money he had paid! 2  He was also told to put Joseph’s own silver cup at the top of Benjamin’s sack, along with the grain money. So the household manager did as he was told. 3  The brothers were up at dawn and on their way with their loaded donkeys.
    4  But when they were barely out of the city, Joseph said to his household manager, “Chase after them and stop them and ask them why they are acting like this when their benefactor has been so kind to them? 5  Ask them, ‘What do you mean by stealing my lord’s personal silver drinking cup, which he uses for fortune-telling? What a wicked thing you have done!’” 6  So he caught up with them and spoke to them along the lines he had been instructed.
    7  “What in the world are you talking about?” they demanded. “What kind of people do you think we are, that you accuse us of such a terrible thing as that? 8  Didn’t we bring back the money we found in the mouth of our sacks? Why would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house? 9  If you find his cup with any one of us, let that one die. And all the rest of us will be slaves forever to your master.”
    10  “Fair enough,” the man replied, “except that only the one who stole it will be a slave, and the rest of you can go free.”
    11  They quickly took down their sacks from the backs of their donkeys and opened them. 12  He began searching the oldest brother’s sack, going on down the line to the youngest. And the cup was found in Benjamin’s! 13  They ripped their clothing in despair, loaded the donkeys again, and returned to the city. 14  Joseph was still home when Judah and his brothers arrived, and they fell to the ground before him.
    15  “What were you trying to do?” Joseph demanded. “Didn’t you know such a man as I would know who stole

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