Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler
Argentine Army, and, in 1930s–40s, intelligence chief for Spain and South America as head of Ibero-American Institute.
    F EGELEIN , G EN . H ERMANN: Heinrich Himmler’s SS adjutant to Hitler’s headquarters, who became Hitler’s brother-in-law and a confidant of Martin Bormann.
    F LICK , F RIEDRICH: Steel industry magnate and supporter of Nazi Party, a director of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG (United Steelworks) (1933–45).
    H OHENLOHE -L ANGENBURG , P RINCE M AXIMILIAN E GON ZU: German aristocrat and intermediary between Heinrich Himmler and A LLEN D ULLES .
    H UDAL , B ISHOP A LOIS: Martin Bormann’s main pro-Nazi contact in the Vatican, who helped organize escape of many war criminals to South America.
    H UMMEL , L T . C OL . H ANS H ELMUT VON: SS adjutant to Martin Bormann, and Bormann’s intermediary to A LLEN D ULLES .
    H ÖTTL , M AJ . W ILHELM: SS officer, intermediary between SS G EN . KALTENBRUNNER and A LLEN D ULLES .
    K ALTENBRUNNER , G EN . E RNST: SS and police general commanding Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), coordinating police, Gestapo (Secret Police), and SS intelligence and counterintelligence branch (SD).
    K AY , C APT . W ALTER: Former first officer of warship Admiral Graf Spee , later energetic in Nazi intelligence activities in Argentina and Uruguay.
    K OEHN , W ILLI: Head of Latin America desk in German Foreign Office based in Madrid, and active intelligence agent.
    L ANTSCHNER , C OL . F RIEDRICH: SS officer, later owner of construction business at San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province, Argentina.
    L EHMANN , O TTO ( POSSIBLE PSEUDONYM ): Medical officer at Nazi settlement at Inalco, Argentina, and later Hitler’s personal physician at his La Clara retreat.
    M EYNEN , O TTO: Senior intelligence agent at German embassy in Buenos Aires (1939–44), replacing D IETRICH N IEBUHR .
    M ÜLLER , G EN . H EINRICH “G ESTAPO ”: SS and police general in command of the Gestapo.
    N IEBUHR , C APT . D IETRICH: Naval attaché at German embassy in Buenos Aires (1939–41), and intelligence agent for G EN . VON F AUPEL .
    O FFERMANN , 1 ST L T . H ANS -W ERNER: Commander of submarine U-518.
    P UTTKAMER , A DM . K ARL -J ESCO VON: Hitler’s navy adjutant in the Führerbunker, who assisted Martin Bormann with secure radio communications.
    R OSENBERG , A LFRED: Nazi Party artistic “commissar,” and head of ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die Besetzen Gebiete—Special Staff of National Leader Rosenberg for the Occupied Territories) organization in charge of looting artworks from occupied countries.
    R UDEL , C OL . H ANS -U LRICH: Stuka dive-bomber pilot who was most highly decorated officer in the German military, later active in Nazi community around San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.
    S ANDSTEDE , G OTTFRIED: Press attaché at German embassy in Buenos Aires (1939–41), senior intelligence agent for G ENERAL VON F AUPEL , and executive of Delfino shipping line.
    S CHACHT , H JALMAR: One-time president of Reichsbank and economics minister of Reich, and a principal director of Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
    S CHAUMBURG -L IPPE , P RINCE S TEPHAN ZU: Consular officer in Chile (1936–41), also active in affairs of Buenos Aires embassy.
    S CHELLENBERG , G EN . W ALTER: SS general commanding the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) intelligence agency, and would-be intermediary between Heinrich Himmler and A LLEN D ULLES .
    S CHMITZ , H ERMANN: Chairman of the board of IG Farben conglomerate; funder and supporter of Nazi Party.
    S CHÖTZAU , L T . C DR . G ERHARD: Commander of submarine U-880.
    S CHRÖDER , B ARON K URT VON: Leading banker and supporter of Nazi Party.
    T HERMANN , B ARON E DMUND VON: German ambassador to Argentina (1938–41).
    T HYSSEN , F RITZ: Steel industry magnate and supporter of Nazi Party; chairman of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG (United Steelworks).
    V OSS , A DM . H ANS -E RICH: Naval liaison officer at the Führer’s headquarters.
    W INTER , G

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