Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler
USTAV: Agent of the Abwehr, who established a secret intelligence base on Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands.
    W OLFF , G EN . K ARL: SS military governor of northern Italy, who negotiated with A LLEN D ULLES for surrender of German forces in Operation Sunrise.
    D ONOVAN , G EN . W ILLIAM J.: Director of Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI) (1941) and Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (1942–45).
    D ULLES , A LLEN W ELSH: Corporate lawyer with extensive prewar contacts in Germany; from October 1941 head of operations of COI and then OSS station chief in Bern, Switzerland (1942–45); after the war, director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (1953–61).
    F ORD , H ENRY: Automobile industry magnate, decorated by Nazi Party for his support.
    G ROVES , G EN . L ESLIE R.: Director of Manhattan Project, and instigator of U.S. efforts to locate and neutralize German nuclear research.
    L ANSDALE J R ., L T . C OL . J OHN: Head of security for Manhattan Project, and second-in-command of Alsos Mission to neutralize Germany’s nuclear research program.
    L ESLIE , E DGEWORTH M.: OSS officer, intermediary between A LLEN D ULLES and SS G EN . K ALTENBRUNNER .
    M ORGENTHAU , H ENRY J.: U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (1934–45).
    P ASH , C OL . B ORIS T.: Commander of Alsos Mission.
    W ALLACE , H ENRY: Vice president of the United States (1941–45).
    D ALZEL -J OB , L T . C DR . P ATRICK: Royal Navy officer commanding Team 4 of 30 Assault Unit (AU).
    F LEMING , L T . C DR . I AN: Officer in Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and personal assistant to Admiral John Henry Godfrey, Director of Naval Intelligence; later, author of best-selling James Bond spy novels.
    N ORMAN , S IR M ONTAGUE: Governor of Bank of England (1920–44), and a principal director of Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
    E ICHHORN , W ALTER AND I DA: Leading supporters and fund-raisers for Nazi Party, friends of Hitler, and owners of Hotel Eden, La Falda, Córdoba province, Argentina.
    F REUDE , L UDWIG: Banker and construction-industry millionaire, who acted as Nazis’ chief financial representative and agent of influence in Argentina.
    F REUDE , R ODOLFO: Son of LUDWIG , who became private secretary and intelligence coordinator to P RESIDENT P ERÓN .
    L EUTE , R ICARDO VON: General manager of German-founded Lahusen trading conglomerate.
    P AHLKE , M AX: German-born director of Mannesmann company’s Argentine subsidiary, and owner of Gran Hotel Viena clinic and spa, Miramar, Córdoba province.
    P ERÓN , C OL . J UAN D OMINGO: Member of Grupo de Oficiales Unidos (GOU)—United Officers’ Group military junta, who became vice president, later president, of Argentina.
    P ERÓN , E VA “E VITA ” D UARTÉ: Mistress, later wife, of C OL . P ERÓN , and agent of influence for Nazi intelligence.
    S ANTANDER , S ILVANO: Deputy for Entre Ríos province (1936–44), active and vocal opponent of Nazi links with Argentine government.
    T ABORDA , R AÚL D AMONTE: Chairman of Argentine congressional committee investigating Nazi activities.
    O THER
    B RUGGMANN , C HARLES: Swiss ambassador to the United States (1939–45).
    D ODERO , A LBERTO: Uruguayan-Argentine millionaire shipping magnate and confederate of the Peróns.
    M ASSON , G ENERAL R OGER: Director of the Swiss secret service (1939–45).
    W ALLENBERG , M ARCUS: Swedish industrial and banking magnate.

    Since this book is not primarily a work of military history, we have not distinguished between the different grades of generals and flag officers in any of the Axis and Allied armed forces.
    We have translated German SS and navy ranks, as below, and have simplified the former. The complexity of the SS structure meant that general officer ranks held by individuals were often qualified by suffixes differentiating rank within the basic organization or Allgemeine-SS, the military branch or Waffen-SS, and parallel rank in

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