My Mate's Embrace

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Book: My Mate's Embrace by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
shifting. He would have to ask his mother what to do. Anton reached over and turned the cold water on for the shower. He wanted Laurel so badly it hurt. He had a feeling there was going to be a lot more pain in his future.
    Laurel enjoyed looking at Anton’s tight buttocks as he walked into the bathroom. She wanted to pet him there, like he did her. She pressed her fingers to her lips. They felt full and sensitive. All of this was new to her. She wasn’t sure what to think.
    She knew that she had enjoyed Anton’s caresses. The fear that always sat so close to the surface had completely disappeared, leaving her feeling drowsy and relaxed. She liked that. It felt good to be so relaxed. Anton seemed to need something else from her. Through the mating bond, she felt his regret that something was missing. But she didn’t know what. Biting her lip, she wondered if she had done something wrong. Was he disappointed with her?
    You are being silly, Malyshka. I could never be disappointed with you. Stop worrying and get dressed. I am almost done with my shower. Anton’s voice came flooding into her mind.
    How did he do that? He always seemed to know when she felt uneasy. Looking down at her T-shirt, she jumped out of bed. She needed to hurry up and get some clothes on. Rushing over to her backpack, she pulled out her last clean shirt and the jeans from last night. She would need to do some laundry or buy some clothes as Anton had suggested. She had a little bit of money. Another pair of jeans and some pajamas were a must. She’d have to find a job somewhere before winter hit. She didn’t even own a coat.
    “Are you ready?” Anton asked, entering the room.
    Laurel glanced over at Anton’s slicked-back hair and admired the blue T-shirt that showed off his broad shoulders. She blushed, holding her clothes to her chest, and rushed past him and into the bathroom.
    “I’ll be a second. I need to brush my teeth.”
    Anton chuckled as the door closed. Everything about his mate made him happy. She looked so cute, standing there in his T-shirt, which reached down to her hips, showing off her slender legs. She looked so uncertain, as she bit her lower lip. Her blue eyes widened as she took in his T-shirt and jeans. He wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless. But instead, he let her escape to the bathroom.
    “Soon . . .” he promised himself.
    He sat down on the bed to wait for her. Picking up the pillow she had slept on, he brought it to his face, rubbing her scent on his skin. He loved the way she smelled. He loved everything about his little mate.
    Now, Anton needed to work on getting Laurel to feel the same way. He wasn’t quite sure how he could do that. But he could touch her thoughts. Surely he would find a way.
    Suddenly a telepathic wail flooded into Anton’s thoughts.
    Whaaa . . . momma . . . whaaa.
    Anton grabbed his head, trying to turn down the inner volume. Laurel ran into the bedroom, cringing with the sounds ringing in her head.
    “Is someone hurt? Where is the baby?” she asked.
    A new wail was added to the first, but this one sounded in voice only. “Momma, momma . . . whaaa.”
    “It is my nieces. Come on. Let us go see if we can help.” Anton grabbed Laurel’s hand, and they rushed down the hall to the last room on the left. Anton looked in to see Violet, a baby in each arm, cooing and rocking them. Laurel surprised him by brushing past him and into the room.
    “Here, let me see. This little one has a stomach ache,” Laurel said as she took one of the little girls into her arms. “She’s sharing it with her sister telepathically. Their bond is very strong. Easy, little one. I’ll help you. That’s right, just relax.”
    The baby in Laurel’s arms let out a large burp before finally settling down. Her twin sister, still in Violet’s arms, settled down as well.
    Violet flopped down in the rocking chair and started rocking the little girl in her arms. “Thank you so much. I felt the stomach ache, but

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