My Mate's Embrace

Free My Mate's Embrace by Caryn Moya Block

Book: My Mate's Embrace by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
of room for both of them. Laurel tiptoed around to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers. Rolling over onto her side, she snuggled down. She was almost too tired to sleep. She could still hear voices downstairs. How late did they plan to stay up? Feeling restless, Laurel rolled over on the other side. Anton reached over and started to rub her back. Had she wakened him? His breathing seemed to be the same. Did he try to soothe her, even while he slept?
    Laurel sighed and let his soft rubbing relax her. Her mother had promised a protector, but Laurel never envisioned someone like Anton.
    Laurel followed the path through the mist. She knew she was dreaming, but she wanted to talk to her mother. The mists parted to show a small meadow. The sun shone brightly on the grass, and in the middle was a blanket laid out with a picnic. Laurel happily moved forward and sat down on the blanket. She didn’t bother to eat anything. This was a dream after all.
    From the other side of the meadow Laurel’s mother stepped into the small space. Laurel watched her approach and felt grief swamp her. Why had her mother died? Why had she left her?
    “We never truly leave our beloved. We just become unseen,” Laurel’s mother said as she knelt down to join Laurel on the blanket. “You have found your protector, but there are still dangers to face and decisions to make. Will you live or will you let what happened to you destroy your chance at happiness?”
    “What do you mean?” Laurel asked. “What danger, what decisions?”
    “Life is full of decisions, is it not? Finding the right path is often hard. But if you are determined and look for what is good, you will find it.”
    Laurel’s head was reeling. Why didn’t her mother come out and tell her what to do?
    “Because you must decide. It is your life. What will you do with it? Will you answer the call of your destiny?” her mother answered as if reading Laurel’s mind.

Chapter Seven
    Laurel woke up with the sun shining across her face. She was lying on top of a hairy chest. Gasping, she jumped away from Anton, turning on her side and burying her burning face in the pillow. He murmured and put his arm around her waist. Snuggling closer, he sighed in contentment. Laurel lay as still as she could. Should she try to sneak out of bed? It actually felt nice being held so tenderly. She liked it. Knowing that Anton slept made it even nicer. Deciding to enjoy it while she could, Laurel put her arm over the one around her waist. Her mother used to hold her when she was little. They would cuddle on the bed and nap. It felt nice having Anton hold her. She could do this.
    Anton woke up with Laurel’s scent surrounding him. It reminded him of sunshine and wildflowers. He buried his nose in her hair and took the scent deep into his lungs. His body had already hardened for her. But she lay stiff and pensive next to him. How was he going to get her to make love to him, when she could hardly stand his touch?
    Sighing, he moved away from her, rolling over onto his back. His wolf wanted its mate. He could feel the wildness rising, the itch of hair beneath his skin. He touched Laurel’s mind and felt her fear and confusion. A punch of adrenaline hit him. His wolf wanted to hunt and destroy the unknown menace. Taking deep breaths, he forced his wolf into submission. Laurel needed him to go slow, to coax her, to overcome her fear. His wolf would have to wait.
    “How did you sleep?” Anton asked. “Come here and let me hold you. Your fear is upsetting me.”
    “I’m not really afraid, more like nervous. I’m sorry you are upset by it.”
    “It is my wolf spirit. Your fear triggers the response to protect. My body starts to look for an enemy. It does not understand that the enemy is me.”
    “Oh, Anton. You’re not my enemy,” Laurel said, rolling over and putting her head on his shoulder. “How can you say that?”
    “That is how my wolf side thinks. Does my holding you make

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