
Free SkinwalkersWoman by Fran Lee

Book: SkinwalkersWoman by Fran Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fran Lee
lumpy mattress as his grip on
her body eased. His heavy weight pressed her down but she could breathe easily.
Every nerve in her lower half vibrated and jerked as he continued to slowly
caress her clit with slow fingers, while his still-solid cock continued to move
gently in and out. Another climax was building and she was greedy enough to
want it.
    “So amazing… It feels so good…” she whispered as he gently
bit the top of her shoulder, sending shocks of erotic pleasure through her. “Please…
Don’t stop…”
    “Are you sore?” The muffled voice sent tingles through her
as he moved faster once more.
    “No, but you must be worn out,” she panted, closing her eyes
and savoring the slow, erotic rise of passion once again.
    “I could keep this up all day and all night,” he growled as
he lifted her torso from the mattress and sank back onto his heels as he pulled
her back down onto his lap, letting her feel the thick hardness of his
still-rigid cock as he thrust up into her body again and again. It filled her
completely. The tingly fluid from his first ejaculation trickled over his
thighs and his hands caressed her breasts once more as she threw her hands back
over her shoulders to pull his head forward next to hers.
    “You are like some mad aphrodisiac that I can’t get out of
my system,” she moaned as he ran one hand down from pinching her nipple to
begin to tease her clit again. “Why do I feel this horny?”
    “We have waited a lifetime to be joined together, Little
Dove, and when we come together, it is like a wildfire in the desert, burning
up all in its path. I could pleasure you forever.”
    “I feel like I’m floating…like I’m some kind of
nymphomaniac. What was in that coffee you gave me last night?” She gasped as he
filled her with another long, slow thrust that made her feel as if his cock
caressed her womb. “Oh God! I’m coming again…” Her voice tightened as she
clutched at his head and turned her mouth to beg for his kiss as she felt her
body explode once more into a million shards of delirious pleasure. Heat filled
her as he came inside her and the warm cream trickled from her overfull opening
as he dragged her tight against his chest.
    As she returned to Earth from the intense orgasm, he
startled her by lifting her gently from his lap, allowing his still semi-solid
cock to slide out of her. She had never thought she would be able to handle so
much hot sex, but the feeling of disappointment that filled her as his body
left hers was completely stupid!
    Gah! I really am a total nympho!
    Zeke could have remained inside her lush body for hours, but
he knew that she needed to rest, and he needed to prepare for the night and the
possibility that the ch’iin would return to try once more. The entity
was powerful, and he had felt the rage from it as it had fled from his wolf.
Old Joe would know what to do to protect his woman.
    As he slid from her body and she sagged in his embrace, he
rose from the floor and put her back on the mattress, pulling the scratchy old
blanket up to cover her body. “I’ll make food. I will be back soon.”
    “Stay…please?” Her soft whisper almost took away his
    “You need food and so do I. I will only be gone for a short
time, then I’ll fill the tub for you to bathe…unless you prefer a cold spring?”
He watched her expression carefully, savoring the way her face lit up at the
mention of a bath. He needed to feed both of them, then he would join her in a
warm bath under the hot sun.
    Lighting a fire in the cold stove, Zeke started fresh coffee
and made biscuit dough. He opened a can of chili and sorted through the root
cellar in search of a few ingredients to add to it. Then he stepped quietly out
onto the porch and called forth his eagle to fly to the high place where he
could speak with Joe. He lit the fire and looked into the smoke, searching. He
couldn’t stay away for long.
    * * * * *
    The old man raised his eyes from the

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