Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1)

Free Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1) by Gwyn Brodie

Book: Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1) by Gwyn Brodie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwyn Brodie
jumped up from the log, spilling the remaining food onto the ground. Putting her finger to her lips, she motioned for Ian to stay quiet as she quickly put him on the horse and mounted behind him. They left the clearing in a dead run and didn't slow down until Jillian felt certain they weren't being followed.
    " Did I frighten you a wee bit, Ian?"
    " Aye, more than a wee bit. What did you see, Jilly?"
    " I saw naught, but the way the mare acted told me something was there, another horse perchance. If so, then there would be a rider as well. I didn't wish to take any chances. I'm very sorry about the food, sweeting."
    "' Tis all right. We can eat at Ravenskull Castle. Jilly, do you ken why 'tis called Ravenskull?"
    " Nay, I don't, but perhaps you can ask that question of Laird MacLachlan once we arrive there."
    The mountains grew steeper and more craggy as they neared MacLachlan land. At several points, the path between the rocks became so narrow, Jillian could've held her arms out on either side of the horse and touched the green moss growing there.
    " Is it much further? I'm getting tired of riding."
    " We should be there before nightfall, mayhap sooner."
    " Jilly, will you sing me a song?"
    She chuckled. "I'll hum you a song. We don't need to draw any more attention to ourselves than is necessary."
    After the rain , the droplets of water covering the leaves and grass glimmered like jewels beneath the bright rays of sunlight. Jillian quietly hummed as they rode nearer and nearer to Ravenskull.
    A sudden movement to their right caught her attention. But before she had time to react, a rider wielding a club burst from the underbrush. He must have been the one at the clearing and had followed them along the edge of the wood. Jillian's frightened horse lunged sideways, almost toppling them both to the ground.
    " Hold onto the saddle, Ian," she screamed. With one hand she tried to control the mare, and with the other, grabbed her sgian dubh .
    The highwayman swung the club and pain exploded across the back of Jillian's head. For a moment, she couldn't see, as darkness threatened to take her down into its depths. By sheer determination she fought off the feeling. She had to hang on for Ian's sake. If she died, the thief would make certain he was also dead. He'd leave no witnesses. The man tried to grab the reins from her hand. 'Twas the mare he was after. Jillian plunged the blade of her sgian dubh deep into his arm, and quickly drew it out.
    He sc reamed, blood staining his shirt. "I'll kill ye for that," he yelled, taking another swing at her with the club.
    She bent down sideways to dodge the blow, and the plaid slid up her thigh. Jillian quickly pulled it down, but 'twas too late.
    He grinned, and his demeanor immediately changed. "Och, a bonnie lass. 'Tis a fine prize I've found m'self." The outlaw moved his horse closer. Then grabbed Jillian by the thigh, digging his fingernails into her soft flesh to keep her still.
    " Leave my sister be," screamed Ian, hitting the man's hand several times with his tiny fist.
    Jillian managed to pry away his fingers and kicked him hard in the ribs with the heel of her boot, knocking him off balance. He tumbled to the ground beneath his horse, which quickly raced off in the opposite direction. Jillian took that opportunity to knee her own horse into a run. She heard a string of curses being shouted after her as they rode away. She didn't look back. Somewhere during the attack, she'd lost her bundle of clothing—and her mother's locket. But they had at least gotten away with their lives.
    " Did he hurt you, Jilly, when he hit you with that club?"
    " I'll be fine," she said, not wishing to worry him, but truth be known, her head ached something awful. Jillian's vision was a wee bit blurry. She squinted, as she tried to focus on the road ahead. She blinked back tears, praying she could at least hold on 'til they reached Ravenskull—for Ian.
    Several hours had passed since their encounter

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