Take Back the Skies

Free Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon

Book: Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Saxon
there’s all that space out there, all those people in foreign lands, and you’re just one of them. But … it’s beautiful when the sky is clear. Especially when the sun rises and sets – the water glows purple, it’s really quite something.’
    â€˜That sounds wonderful,’ Cat breathed. Fox hummed in agreement, glancing over at her, and there was so much awe on his face that Cat’s breath caught in her throat for just a moment. He was beautiful when he wasn’t scowling. ‘Possibly even worth getting up earlier than usual for.’
    Fox laughed, and the moment was gone, leaving Cat feeling strangely bereft. ‘I’d definitely say so,’ he replied. ‘But you won’t see it for days yet – the storms are far too wild for a clear sky. No chance of anyone from Siberene being unlucky,’ he joked. Cat smiled ruefully; in any of the six countries, being born under a clear sky was considered bad luck. Anglya was seeing more and more clear skies, andpeople were beginning to regard it as a sign that the country was cursed.
    â€˜Nice for them. I don’t suppose Alice might make me some tea? I can’t feel my hands all that well,’ she confessed, her numb fingers stuffed deeply in the fur-lined pockets of the coat.
    Fox sent her a somewhat sheepish look.
    â€˜I’m sorry. I should’ve told you to grab gloves as well. Remind me next time.’
    She shook her head.
    â€˜No harm done. At least, not if I can beg a cuppa,’ she added.
    â€˜You’ll find Alice in the laundry room. Go and ask nicely and she’ll no doubt oblige.’
    Entering the galley, Cat timidly knocked on the laundry-room door. Waiting for Alice’s call of ‘Come in!’ she pushed the door open. Alice looked up from a large pile of assorted fabrics that were damp and ready to be aired.
    â€˜Hello, poppet, what can I do for you?’ she asked.
    â€˜Well, ma’am, Fox just took me up on deck, and I didn’t take any gloves so now my hands are near numb with cold, and I was just wondering would you mind –’
    â€˜Putting the kettle on, dear?’ Alice finished for her. ‘Course I can, just let me fold this bolt,’ she said, holding up a large square of thick black wool fabric, ‘and you really needn’t be so formal, dear. Don’t call me ma’am, just Alice will do. I won’t bite.’
    â€˜I’m sorry, I just … I’m not used to … women.’ She wanted to say ‘having a mother’, but she wasn’t sure that would go down well. Alice seemed to get her meaning,though, and smiled in sympathy. Setting the folded cloth down in a basket, she crossed to Cat, ruffling her hair.
    â€˜You might not have had much of a family in the past, poppet, but you’ll find one here. Matt seems to like you, and Ben likes almost anyone Matt likes. Harry thinks you’re a bright spark, and as for Fox … he might seem a little distant, the poor lad, but compared to how he is usually, he’s practically a new person since you turned up! You’ll settle in soon enough, I’m sure of it.’
    Cat felt a lump in her throat. She’d never had someone
to be her family before, not truly. Her mother loved her dearly, but Elizabeth had been ill for most of Cat’s life, so not really there for her, and her father saw her as something to trade for greater power, not as a daughter to be loved.
    â€˜Thank you,’ she said quietly, her voice slightly choked. ‘That means a lot to me. And thank you for letting me stay in the first place.’
    Alice squeezed Cat’s shoulder.
    â€˜No reason not to trust you, is there? You’re an orphan, and just by coming to us you’ve put your life in our hands – we could turn you in any day. But we won’t, so long as you keep working as hard as you are. Now, what say you come with me to the kitchen? I’ll stick

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