Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1)

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Book: Beneath a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series 1) by Gwyn Brodie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwyn Brodie
Jillian a moment before speaking. He motioned to the servant. "This woman attended Laird MacRae's wife for many years. If you're who you say you are, she'll ken." He turned to the servant. "Step closer and take a good look at the lass."
    As she approached, Jillian immediately recognized her. She'd been her mother's favorite lady's maid. Her father had sent her away soon after her mother's death. Jillian smiled down at her, fighting the lightheadedness. "Glennis, 'tis good to see you."
    Tears welled up in Glennis ' eyes as she smiled up at Jillian. "Child, it's been a long while since I saw ye last, but I can see yer mother's beautiful face in yer own." She turned to Ian, studying him closely. "The lad is the spitting image of his father," she said softly and turned to Logan. "'Tis true. She's who she says she is." Glennis stepped closer to the horse and frowned. "Good heavens, m'lady, yer bleeding. Let's get ye're inside."
    " Give me the lad," someone said from far, far away. Jillian didn't ken what happened next, for darkness overtook her and she sank deeper and deeper into its depths.

Chapter Five
    In the great hall of Lochstorm castle, peat crackled and smoked in the massive fireplace positioned along one end of the room. Gordon MacRae sat staring into the flames stroking his beard. He still couldn't believe that his dream of holding the title of Baron of Lochstorm was almost within his grasp. Then everyone would call him laird or they'd be sorely dealt with. He'd have to be patient, aye, but time was on his side. Only the lad stood in his way, but not for much longer; he'd make absolutely certain of that.
    As for th e woman… He smiled to himself. He had much use for her. His breathing grew ragged at the memory of her lush lips beneath his. He'd been a fool for not taking her when he had the chance. 'Twas with just that intention he'd gone to her bedchamber. Instead, he'd let her soft words and shy eyes talk him out of doing so. No need to fash himself over it. She'd be beneath him soon enough. Then he'd have his fill of her. Gordon planned to keep her until she bore him an heir. After that, who knew? Just as his first wife, Ellie, had come with a large dowry, so did Jillian. He'd made a point of finding that out.
    After but a month of marriage, Ellie 's body, along with that of her young maid, had been found in the loch, beaten and battered. They'd been seized upon by a band of highwaymen—or so they thought. He smiled. Gordon had received everything, including her precious jewels she'd refused to hand over to him. No woman had ever stood in the way of his getting what he wanted—and never would.
    Al l appeared to be going as planned. He should be feeling as satisfied as a mouser with a stable full of mice, but something had been gnawing at the back of his mind all day. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
    Frustrated, he paced back and forth. No one had set e yes on Jillian or the lad for more than a day. That is, except for that old crone, Winnie. She kept insisting they'd acquired some sort of sickness and should keep to their bedchambers until they were well, which, of course, had meant delaying their marriage. He'd not wanted to become ill himself, for he didn't need to show any weakness in front of the people of Lochstorm. Gordon hadn't argued when only the healer was allowed inside the two bedchambers. But the more he thought about it, the more something about the whole thing seemed amiss. Both bedchambers had been quiet—too quiet—especially the lads. Illness or not, he intended to find out what was going on. He raced up the stairs to find Duff, the man he'd left to guard Jillian's door, sound asleep, stretched out on a settle in the corridor. Gordon kicked it over, dumping him onto the floor.
    " What the…," stammered the half-asleep man, as he slowly crawled up from the floor. "Och, I must have fallen asleep."
    " Of course you did, you fool. I give you a simple job and this is what happens. If

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