Tempting Research

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Book: Tempting Research by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
the same. His hair was the color of sand from the beach, wavy just the way she liked it without it being too long. He wasn’t overly large in the muscle department but he fit his size. He always looked relaxed and comfortable in his own skin.
    His eyes were blue and absolutely beautiful to look into.
    She shook her head, trying to rid her mind of this young man.
    “I’m so sorry I’m late, work caught up with me and the lady on the reception said to check with you and see if you were still okay with doing my massage?” Melissa could feel herself mumble, and the blush blooming in her checks.
    She was sure she had been caught staring.
    “You’re my last appointment so feel free.” He opened the door wider for her to enter. She ended up brushing past his body as there wasn’t enough room for her to get by.  
    “Sorry,” she apologized.
    “No problem.” He shut the door. Melissa looked around the room. She was usually naked on his table by the time he came into the room. The sound of the latch flicking into place made the small room suddenly intimate.
    “If you want to take off your clothes and jump up on the bed.” He gestured giving her his back.
    “Don’t you want to leave the room?” she asked. Melissa placed her bag and stuff on the chair available.
    “Erm, if that would make you comfortable? I was just going to get set up here, be quicker seeing as you’re running late. I’ll keep my back to you I promise.” To confirm he turned away from her.
    Melissa found her eyes drawn to his tight ass. Jerking her head away she peeled her blouse off and then her skirt. Turning to look behind her she removed her bra and panties.
    She moved towards the bed, she got herself in position and waited. She didn’t know if the other customers did this, she was sure there was a changing facility, Jack had always told her to get changed in this room.
    Melissa shrugged. A few more sessions and it wouldn’t matter if it was proper protocol.
    “Are you decent?” he asked her.
    Melissa laughed. “Yes, sorry. I’m in a world of my own.”
    She heard him chuckle. “Sometimes that is the best place to be.”
    She sighed in agreement.
    Melissa felt him move her hair over one shoulder like always and then his hands were on her. He kneaded the tight muscles of her neck and this time Melissa couldn’t contain the groan of satisfaction.
    “Feel good?”
    “You have no idea,” she moaned.
    He laughed using his hands on her.
    Melissa suddenly wondered what it would feel like to have his magical hands on other personal places. Her eyes opened. She tried to see if he could see her reaction. She was sure her pussy had just awakened at the thought.
    “So what kind of work do you do?” he asked her.
    “I’m a writer,” she answered.
    “What do you write?”
    Melissa hesitated. She didn’t know what everyone thought of her writing but she knew it held a lot of misconceived perceptions. 
    “You don’t have to tell me.”
    She shook her head, she wasn’t ashamed of what she wrote and if he started making her uncomfortable she could always cancel the last sessions.
    “I write romance.”
    He chuckled. “Hearts and flowers?”
    “No, erotic.” Teach him to chuckle.
    She felt his hands stop on her back. Now, she had surprised him. He started back up again but she could sense he had loads of questions.
    “Ask away if you want.”
    She turned her head to see him gazing down at her. “What?” she asked him.
    He shook his head. “Nothing.”
    “What are you writing about now?”
    Melissa was impressed. He didn’t dish out any snide comments or dirty innuendo. She felt happy to finally be talking about her work, until she realized her current work-in-progress were refusing to move its ass.
    She sighed.
    “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want too.” Melissa smiled as he used the same words on her.
    “No, it's not that at all. My current piece of work is just struggling to move anywhere and I have my

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