Queen Mab
gently rested her hand upon his eyes, no longer willing to tempt this fate.  This battle had gone on too long.  She would choose another champion and give this one the only gift she had—the gift of her protection. 
    And perhaps a single dream to stay with him and comfort him in the years to come.
    As he closed his eyes, she whispered one word: "Forget."

Chapter Eighteen
    Q ueen Mab looked over her shoulder at Prince Escales's palace as she flew on her nightly ride.  It had been many months since the parting and, though her mind knew that it was the rightful course of action, her heart wished that it was untrue.  Mercutio lived in safety there and would until the end of his days.  She continued on into eternity without him, but still... her glance always fell upon the prince's palace whenever she passed by and that high tower where the keeper of her soul slept.  His warmth, his laughter, his purpose, and his divine self...  She had been drawn to him like a moth to flame, unaware that she was dangerously close to setting her wings on fire.  Indeed, they might already have been ablaze. 
    She turned her chariot towards her home, the evening's dreams planted throughout Verona with a gentler touch than she normally was wont to do.  A few more dreams of love's embrace, a few more visions of reunion and joy.  She let her memories of Mercutio take hold in other minds, so that when she went to visit there, she would find the essence of him.  Perhaps it would make her exile more bearable.  Perhaps it would make the exile of mortality easier for the humans to bear, too.
    She was surprised when she returned that though the hour was two o'clock, waiting outside her front door was a grand carriage drawn by a sleek matched pair of Neapolitan horses from southern Italy.
    Mab rode her hazelnut to her bedchambers.  Surely, something must have occurred to bring a visitor at such a late hour and with the game afoot, most likely Faunus was to blame.  Only those who sought her out by name could find their way to her palace in the hidden Verona countryside.  Her mind went first to trouble in the House of Capulet.  Her shadow servants greeted her, tidied her hair and brushed her clothes, keeping pace with her even as she strode towards her audience hall.
    The door opened before her, and standing in wait was a young man of style and foppish grace.  His dark hair was slicked back against his head, his dark green tunic tailored to the height of the latest courtly fashion.  At his side was a silver rapier, etched and engraved to hide the sharpness of the blade. He stretched out his leg and bowed deeply before her.
    "Queen Mab," he said.  "It is a pleasure."
    "We have not had the pleasure of being acquainted," said Queen Mab, though she recognized him. 
    "I am Tybalt, nephew of Lord Capulet."
    "I know," she replied.
    Tybalt seemed taken aback for just a moment before recovering.  "Upon my becoming a man, my uncle told me of you and the debt that you owe our House."
    She bit her tongue and made her way to her throne.  Sitting down, she smiled tightly.  "The House of Capulet is always welcome here.  To what do I owe the honor?"
    He threw back his cape and advanced towards her.  "My uncle told me that you swore us protection, and it is that protection that I come to speak to you about this evening."
    She thought of Faunus and wondered if perhaps this Tybalt might be her champion.  "It is strange your timing in coming to seek me out.  Indeed, I was just thinking that I should see what bonds of friendship I might strengthen in service to your House's...loyalty."
    "Half a year ago, I was told my House would fall.  I seek you out to find out if I have sidestepped this fate, if I am finally safe, or if a pointed end is still written in the stars."
    Queen Mab rose and walked over to her basin, her skirts swishing softly upon the floor.    The basin's innards were polished to a high sheen, showing none of the wear of centuries of

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