Queen Mab
easily as they create and destroy?  I care not for the world of man.”
    "They think us gods, mistaking long life for wisdom, strange shapes as things of beauty, the gift of different sight for power.  How strange they will think us when they learn of our true nature," he laughed.  "What foolish men these mortals be." Faunus rose from his spot and stepped closer.  Queen Mab felt his power rolling off him in waves.  "Stay away from this one, Mab.  You know not what fates you tempt by causing him to grow once more brave and strong."
    His warning gave her pause.
    She asked, "Do my attentions tempt the fall of Montague?  You would not feign such interest unless this man be the keystone which will cause your world to come tumbling down."
    "This man is a friend of the House of Montague and I say leave him be."
    "He is Prince Escales's kinsman and friend to all alike."
    But Faunus smiled, seeing that his shot had struck true.  No longer dismissive, Mab was now answering his warnings with arguments of logic and law.  "You who know not the pleasures of earthly love and friendship do not see that there can be ties which bind a heart much stronger than the human bonds of blood."
    Queen Mab raised her chin defiantly.  "Think you that I do not understand the human heart?"
    "Most assuredly."
    "Then I shall turn his eye to Capulet.  They shall welcome him to hearth and home, giving him forever an open door to their kindness."
    "I know the relentless tumult of the machinations of man.  I shall place blinders upon his eyes so that he shall seek no other friendship but that Montague.  He shall spurn the outstretched hand of any Capulet."
    "You play a poor game, Faunus, telling me of your next move.  It shall be your undoing."
    "Do not think your fearsome looks frighten me," he laughed.  "You may be as ugly as the day is born, but do not think that you can set me trembling with your anger and your fits."
    "Must you fall back on insults?" Mab asked.
    "Merely the truth."
    She looked at him strangely.  "I appear as I have always for thousands of years.  Do not think your attacks upon my vanity cut more than a blade of grass upon a dull stone."
    "Then you were born foul and will die foul," he looked at her.  "Though I say your appearance has grown markedly better, though still as foul as the air in a dung heap."
    "I shall be sure to grow wooly legs and a horn to please you, Faunus."
    "It would not harm your cause."
    "You once thought me the fairest face in all of Christendom," Mab pointed out. 
    "Those were the days far before Christendom and it is clear that you have felt each passing year."
    Mab shook her head.  "Faunus, if you wish to raise my ire, the hollow words of a foolish goat are far below the task."
    "Then I would point out it is not some foolish goat but an immortal beloved who stands before you, one whom you loved, horns and all."
    "Nay, Faunus, I loved only the one horn of yours at the time."
    "But now I have three to please you, although it would take triple the toil to raise your favorite point."
    Mab yawned.  "Begone.  The night is waning fast and my solitary bed awaits."
    "You need only beg, and I might deign to warm it for you."
    "You have your duties before you, Faunus, and I am not one."
    He shrugged.  "Then suit yourself.  But mark my words, you might be in need of friends if you do not change your ways, Queen Mab."
    She fixed him with an icy stare.  "I have eaten of the fruits of your friendship long ago, friend Faunus, and found them rotten and foul."
    "A beggar will find the blackest fruit delicious when the pangs of hunger strike."
    "I will never be that hungry, Faunus."
    Faunus gave her a wink and then made for the road.
    Though he made pretence of leaving, Faunus watched from the corner of his eye until Queen Mab flew away.  As soon as she was gone, he trotted into the shadowy space between two houses.  He peered into the darkness.  "Hear you this, Juno?  Why, even warned she will not stay

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