Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series)

Free Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series) by Alice Raine

Book: Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series) by Alice Raine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Raine
expression whatever he had planned for me would be far from innocent.
    ‘It’s pretty simple really, they’re normal knickers but they have a small pocket for this,’ he said picking up the plastic piece. ‘It’s a clitoral stimulator. Think of it as similar in purpose to a vibrator, except obviously its external.’ So I had been right about the vibrating part then. Laying the knickers on his bare leg Nicholas carefully slid the small vibrator inside a virtually invisible pocket at the front of the crotch and then held them out to me. ‘It’s small, light, and discreet, no-one will know about it … except me,’ he added, his gaze darkening and his groin jerking its approval in his lap.
    ‘You want me to wear these on the plane? Isn’t that dangerous?’ Licking my dry lips I took the knickers from Nicholas’ outstretched hand and tried to draw my attention away from his impressive hard-on. ‘Not at all, it’s just like having a phone on the plane, we won’t use it during take-off or landing. You can activate it with this remote. It’s the only one, you can keep it.’ He said generously, handing me a tiny remote control. ‘Actually I bought them because they reminded me of the fun we had that night at my concert with the love egg and the remote control, do you remember, Rebecca?’ From his almost silky smooth tone it was clear that Nicholas knew damn well that I remembered that night in all its vivid details; it had been months ago now, but I’d attended a concert Nicholas had been playing and on his request I’d had a vibrator inside of me – or love egg as I preferred to call it. Nicholas had had the remote control that night though, and he’d used it rather effectively to tease me mercilessly until finally choosing to bring me to climax in the middle of a packed dining hall. Yes, it wasn’t really a night I would forget quickly.
    A shudder of pleasure swept through my body as I replayed images from that encounter in my brain and I was only broken from the delicious replay by the sound of Nicholas’ barked laugh from next to me. ‘Why, Rebecca, I do believe you’re blushing. I wonder why …’ He left the sentence hanging as he grinned at me wickedly. ‘As much as I’d love to replay some of that love egg action with you right now, we need to hurry up if we want to catch breakfast.’ Nicholas gave me a long look and then dropped his gaze to my breasts and the clamps which were squeezing my nipples to reddened points. At first his gaze heated, but then he blinked and shook his head as if trying to mentally calm his raging hard on, ‘We skipped half of our dinner last night because we were watching the Northern Lights, besides, after all the fresh air and exercise yesterday you need breakfast … get dressed before I lose my control and ravage you.’ He sounded regretful as he waved me in the direction of the bathroom, and so with a giggle I did as I was told for once.
    The slightly awkward look on Rebecca’s face when she remerged from the bathroom was so amusing I very nearly laughed out loud – from her shocked expression you’d think I’d asked her to shove something up her arse, not just wear some simple nipple clamps and new underwear. Seeing how nervous she already looked thankfully I managed to suppress my grin by rolling my lips tightly together until they started to sting. ‘Everything OK?’ I asked, keeping my tone casual.
    Glancing up at me I saw that Becky’s cheeks were flushed and her pupils a little dilated. If I weren’t mistaken she was already aroused, so obviously even if she was feeling surprised by my requests this morning the nipple clamps were still doing their job rather nicely.
    Nodding, she licked her lips and shifted her legs again, drawing my gaze to the crotch of her jeans. God, why had I insisted on breakfast again? I’d much rather go hungry and have her still naked in bed with me, but no matter how little I cared about food this

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