Saving Grace

Free Saving Grace by Katie Graykowski

Book: Saving Grace by Katie Graykowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Graykowski
household chores, and we’ll put the appropriate amount of money in a fund to work off your debt. Also, Grace has contacted the Austin Humane Heroes, and three days a week after school, plus four hours on Saturday, you’ll volunteer there doing whatever they need. I’ll pay you minimum wage for all of your volunteer hours.”
    The last part was the kicker. “Only after you’ve paid off your debt, will you be allowed to play video games.”
    The boys’ faces turned indignant.
    “That’s not fair.” HW jumped up and pointed. “CoCo snuck out and she got nothing. We have to work, and we can’t play video games.”
    Chord felt himself faltering. “Now, I know—”
    “Life’s not fair.” Grace put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. “Learn it, live it, love it. The sooner you make peace with the whole life’s not fair thing, the better your life will be.”
    HW turned to Grace. “You did this. Before you came, Dad was cool. I wish you’d leave so we can get back to being a family.” He walked up and pushed at her. “Go away.”
    Chord snatched him up by the shirt collar. “Son, you apologize right now.” He felt his control snapping so he relaxed the hand holding HW’s collar, but didn’t let go. “I don’t ever want to see you shove anyone. Grace is staying, and just because you’re upset doesn’t give you the right to shove anyone. Apologize. Now.”
    Grace was right. HW was spoiled, and his behavior would not be tolerated. Chord had dismissed too much. He could see that now.
    “I’m sorry.” HW gritted out. It sounded a lot like ‘screw you.’
    Chord’s grip tightened. “Say it like you mean it.”
    HW’s eyes were the size of tires. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”
    HW walked back to Cart and they had a little confab. After the whispering was over, HW turned back to Chord. “We’re sorry we flooded the pool house, and we’re happy to work at the animal shelter and whatever else y’all want us to do.”
    Chord didn’t know what to say. He’d disciplined the boys, and they seemed relieved to have consequences. His hand found Grace’s, and he twined his fingers through hers. “Now give us a hug. We still love you even though we don’t always love the things you do.”
    He didn’t realize he’d said ‘we’ until after it was out of his mouth. Grace glanced at him and then shrugged.
    The boys came in for a double hug. HW did not hug Grace, but he didn’t fight when she hugged him.
    Chord glanced at Grace. Their eyes locked, and they shared a moment of parental pride. They had each other’s backs. This is what equality in a relationship felt like. He wasn’t alone anymore, Grace was here for him. More than anything, he wanted to be there for her.

Chapter 10
    The idea of having Cart and HW work at the Austin Humane Heroes was fantastic in theory, but the practice was a bit of a challenge. The “no-kill” shelter was a good hour away.
    As Grace exited onto Hwy 1431, she glanced in the rearview mirror at Cart and HW. Both were trying to look bored, but they were nervous. Cart chomped on his fingernails, and HW drummed his fingers on his knee. After some wrong turns, she finally found Crystal Falls Parkway and then the huge animal shelter.
    “Looks like we’re finally here.” She parked, cut the engine, opened the door, and stepped out. She pulled the lever and the driver’s seat popped forward so the boys could climb out of the backseat. Since neither one was speaking to her, the conversation up here had been a little one-sided.
    Like the boys were marching to the guillotine, they shuffled their feet and walked two paces behind Grace.
    “It’s not that bad. You’ll get to play with all the puppies and kittens. As punishments go, this is a good one.” She stopped and waited for them.
    Cart slid his hand in hers and HW thought about it, remembered he hated her, and drew his hand back.
    “Let’s go find…” she slipped her hand into her back

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