Far From Innocent

Free Far From Innocent by Lorie O'Clare

Book: Far From Innocent by Lorie O'Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorie O'Clare
he couldn’t stand it any longer.
    “Little bitch,” he growled.
    She lapped at his cock. “Come for me, wolf man. I want to taste you.”
    Her words were garbled. When she closed her mouth around him again, the
    slightest prick of her lengthening teeth scraped over his sensitive flesh. It was more than he could handle.
    He exploded, sucking in a breath that filled him with the smell and taste of her lust.
    Juan released all that he had, daring to look away from their surroundings long enough to watch her lap at him as if she had been starving and he offered her favorite treat. His climax was quick, hard, and he gripped his cock, pulling it from her when he swelled. It was all he could do to keep standing when his legs almost buckled underneath him.
    “Don’t get mad,” she whispered, and looked away from him quickly before he could register what she was doing or why in the hell she’d think he’d be mad. She stared at a fallen tree buried deeper in the woods and pulled it closer to them. It scraped the ground with a rustling sound until it was directly behind him. Erin straightened and pushed against his chest. It didn’t take a lot of strength to make him sit, and she straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him before he could protest her use of the gift.
    Tasting himself on her made him hard as a rock instantly. Erin smiled against his lips, obviously quite pleased with herself and convinced that providing him with a seat wouldn’t upset him. Truth be told, the way his cock tingled with satisfaction and craved more at the same time, sorting his emotions at the moment proved a challenge.
    He stroked her hair over her shoulders. “You’re amazing.”
    “The idea excited me,” she confessed, chewing her lower lip while her incisors hung too low and glowed in the darkness.
    Far From Innocent
    “Giving me head?”
    “Chancing getting caught.”
    Juan shook his head slowly, her words making sense as the fog disappeared in his brain.
    “Are you so bored with life?”
    She looked shocked. “Life is simply more fun with challenges. Making you fuck me so close to your den and with werewolves across the road would have been impossible.” Her grin said it all. “But I knew you wouldn’t stop me on my knees.”
    This was what made her different. Erin’s ache for adventure, her sexual cravings and her willingness to talk about them turned him on as much as her sultry sex appeal.
    He pressed his lips to hers, needing her taste fresh on him even if she succeeded in making his blood boil with need all over again. The heaviness in his chest didn’t subside. Never had he thought of a bitch as anything other than willing companionship for a short time. Just like Erin, like so many of them, he’d run from pack to pack most of his life. Long term wasn’t in his vocabulary. At twenty-seven years old, having his own den, his own bitch, hadn’t ever really entered his mind.
    Until now. Until the past few days. His cock barely had time to resume its normal size. Now she had him pondering their chances of getting caught if he fucked her right here.
    A cracking twig behind him sounded like an explosion in his ears. Juan forced his cock into his jeans, zipping his pants and almost causing himself some serious damage.
    “Someone’s found us.” There was a mixture of fear and excitement in Erin’s hushed whisper.
    She jumped off him and Juan moved just as quickly, grabbing her and forcing her behind him.
    He managed to inhale the intense spiciness of outrage right before Dimitri leapt at him and punched him square in the face.
    “No!” Erin screamed as he took the hit square on and staggered while his vision blurred.
    “Get your fucking paws off my sister,” Dimitri hissed, his teeth extended past his lower lip as he lunged at Juan.
    Lorie O’Clare

Chapter Six
    “Damn it! Stop it—both of you.” Erin ran into Dimitri, grabbing his arm when he would have swung at Juan again.
    “She was

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