An American Homo in Paris
Love is an Open Road
    An M/M Romance series
    By Vanessa North
    The story you are about to read celebrates love, sex and romance between men. It is a product of the Love is an Open Road promotion sponsored by the Goodreads M/M Romance Group and is published as a gift to you.
    What Is Love is an Open Road?
    The Goodreads M/M Romance Group invited members to choose a photo and pen a letter asking for a short M/M romance story inspired by the image; authors from the group were encouraged to select a letter and write an original tale. The result was an outpouring of creativity that shone a spotlight on the special bond between M/M romance writers and the people who love what these authors do.
    A written description of the image that inspired this story is provided along with the original request letter. If you’d like to view the photo, please feel free to join the Goodreads M/M Romance Group and visit the discussion section: Love is an Open Road .
    No matter if you are a long-time devotee to M/M Romance, just new to the genre or fall somewhere in between, you are in for a delicious treat.
    Words of Caution
    This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.
    Each year, a dedicated group of Volunteers from the M/M Romance Group work hard behind the scenes to bring these stories to you. Our Editors, Formatters, Proofreaders, and those working on Quality Assurance, spend many long hours over a course of several months so that each Event is a success. As each and every author also gives freely of their time and talent, it was decided that all edits suggested may be accepted or rejected by the author at any given time. For this reason, some stories will appear to be more tightly edited than others, depending on the choice of the author.
    This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    All rights reserved worldwide.
This eBook may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the Goodreads M/M Romance Group. This eBook may not be sold, manipulated or reproduced in any format without the express written permission of the author.
    An American Homo in Paris, Copyright © 2015 Vanessa North
    Cover Art by Vanessa North
    This ebook is published by the M/M Romance Group and is not directly endorsed by or affiliated with Goodreads Inc.
    M/M Romance Group Publication

    By Vanessa North
    Photo Description
    The Eiffel Tower looms in the background as two men kiss in the foreground of the black and white image.
    Story Letter
    Dear Author ,
    I came to Paris 9 months ago, with my now ex-boyfriend. City of Love, my ass. Now I’m sitting here in this café near the Eiffel Tower, sipping the cheapest coffee they had on the menu, heartbroken and unsure of my next steps.
    Without a place to live, no job, not much money left in the bank, and speaking only a little French, I guess it’s time to put my tail between my legs and head back home to Bumfuck, Idaho.
    I’d like to see the break-up, the heartbreak, and the scene in the café, leading up to a new romance with a handsome French man, that includes the picture prompt in some fashion, and a HFN/HEA. Names, ages, etc, even hometown, are all up to you. I’d like sexy times but they shouldn’t be taking over the story. I’m open to pretty much anything other than hardcore BDSM. Sex can be sweet or hot or both.
    Thank you!!
    Story Info
    Genre: contemporary
    Tags: teacher, writer, social media, travel, dare/bet, blogging,

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