
Free Voyeur by Lacey Alexander

Book: Voyeur by Lacey Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Alexander
"Oh God. Oh, I want this to be you."

    Damn, he wanted that, too. Wanted to sink his shaft so deep inside her, feel her tight moisture encasing him. And she'd be tight—he knew
    instinctively. She was easily one of the most sexual women he'd ever encountered, but he also knew from her denials of such that she protected her
    sexuality closely, likely didn't sleep around, and maybe had, in fact, only taken a few lovers.

    He watched, throat clogged with arousal, as she began to move the toy in and out of her beautiful cunt. "Oh yeah, that's so good," he said, his gaze riveted on her every move. Her body was ful y open to it now and looked incredible taking it inside. He couldn't resist closing his fist around his own cock again, beginning to tug in firm, even strokes as he wished it were the one gliding so smoothly in and out of Laura's pussy.

    “I’m imagining this is you," she said on a hot, high whimper of pleasure. “I’m imagining that you re fucking me, fucking me." The sex toy went in al the way now, right up to the fake bal s, and he knew the little rise built in on the front—the one unrealistic part of the vibrator, added for her pleasure
    —was meeting her clit with every stroke.

    She fucked herself harder now, and he worked his dick harder, too, matching the rhythm of her thrusts. "You re fucking me," she told him again, eyes stil shut, face wrenched in passion. "You're fucking me, Braden."

    "That's right, honey, I am. I'm fucking that perfect pink pussy, fucking you so hard."

    He watched her mounting passion, listened to her high-pitched moans, let himself get lost in the sight, the sounds. Yes, baby, don’t stop. Keep
    going. He kept stroking, and when he felt the blood gathering, felt his bal s getting tighter and tighter, he said, "Come for me, honey."

    On the computer screen, she worked the toy faster, and he knew the little nub on the front was pushing her little nub closer to climax with each thrust.
    Come on, baby, come on. He couldn't hold back much longer, but he sure as hel wasn't coming before her.

    And then, like an answer to a dirty prayer, she let out a hot, thready breath and began to sob. The near-anguish on her face softened to pure
    ecstasy as she moaned her orgasm.

    "Ah yeah, baby," he groaned, then let go to the obscenely beautiful sight of her, pumping his white hot semen into the tissues he'd kept ready ever since he'd started playing naughty computer games with Laura. The heat shot through him in hard, jagged pulses, and he wished like hel he was
    coming in her, in that tight, hot body, and that she could see his pleasure just the same as he saw hers.

    He clenched his teeth to ride it out. Then came back to earth in time to watch her let the toy fal to the floor and slowly close her legs.

    She peered into the camera, clearly stunned by her own actions.

    No, baby, no. He longed, more than anything in that moment, for her to show him how thril ed she remained, for her to tel him how
    astounding it had been, or even just that she'd had fun. But he saw the regret washing over her, the embarrassment—and he hated it.

    She shut her eyes, shook her head, drew her legs up under her on the couch. "This isn't me," she whispered, same as she kept tel ing him. "This isn't me."

    Then she pushed to her feet and walked to the light switch, and the next thing he knew, the screen went black—first the lights extinguished, then the
    fireplace went dark. She'd run away from him merely by turning out the lights.

    I want to hold you, Laura. I want to make you feel better. I want to make you know this is okay, better than okay.

    Only he couldn't do that. Al he could do was turn out his own lights and go to bed—alone. "I'm sorry I'm not there with you, baby," he said, then lifted one fingertip to the computer screen for just a short second before letting out a sigh and rising to leave the desk, and the girl, for the night.

    Despite herself, Laura slept great, but stil suffered the same

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