Witness Protection (The Witness Series)

Free Witness Protection (The Witness Series) by Bec Botefuhr

Book: Witness Protection (The Witness Series) by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
    One hand is pressed on the tiles above my head and the other slides down my body, over my breasts and down my hips. He circles my bottom and presses me closer, then slides his hands around the front. Oh. Yes. When his fingers slide into my sex, I moan. The hot water has every nerve ending alive and I am extra sensitive. He tweaks the hard little nub and then edges my legs further apart.
    “Spread your legs.” He demands hoarsely.
    I do as he asks, and I can feel his erection jutting out heavily against my belly. He slides his finger around and around, then slowly inserts it. I moan and grip his arms, as slowly he presses a second in. When he begins moving them in and out, my body coils so tightly I want to explode. The pleasure is too much.
    “Touch me .” He growls.
    I hesitate, then slowly reach out to take his thick erection in my hands. He growls when my fingers curl around him.
    “Your hands are so fucking tiny, but so good, so good.”
    I move slowly, sliding my hand up and down his shaft, then slowly twirling my fingers around the head. He is throbbing in my palm and hard as stone. I slide up and down, squeezing a little as I do. His fingers move faster and faster until we are both moaning and clenching. I find it hard to concentrate as I stroke him and he strokes me, but the pleasure continues to build.
    “Ryder.” I breathe.
    “Come. ”
    I grit my teeth, fighting back the urge to do as he says. He growls and thrusts his fingers harder and faster.
    “ God dammit, come.”
    I am panting and his lips are all over me, his erection filling my hand, his fingers filling my sex. I can’t t hink, but I can feel. I explode with a ragged scream and he follows quickly behind. I feel his hot release trickle down my hand and I relish in the sounds of his deep grunting. The water washes away any trace of him, and we stand panting for a long moment.
    “You. Are. Driving. Me. Crazy.” He growls into my hair.
    He smiles and kisses me again. “You have soft, perfect little hands.”
    He takes my hand and splays it over his. My tiny fingers barely reach the middle of his long ones, but our hands look nice together. His are so big, so manly and mine are so tiny and delicate. He curls his fingers around mine, then brings them to his mouth and kisses each of my fingertips .
    “You behave for James Clancy, don’t give the man a heart attack.”
    “So a bikini is out?” I giggle.
    He gives me a look. “Far out, you better have a one piece or I am making you wear one of my shirts.”
    “ What will it be baby, tell me you have something un revealing to wear.”
    “Are you slightly over controlling, Nate wouldn’t care if I wore a bikini.”
    “Nate’s gay!”
    “Fine, you brute . I will wear a one piece with shorts.”
    “Good girl, now let’s go before they get sus.”
    “Oh, I think they already are.”
    We dress and make our way back out to join Nate and James Clancy. When they set eyes on us, both narrow.
    “What were you two doing, wrestling?”
    Ryder laughs and walks into the lounge to pick up his vest, gun and badge. I stand there blushing.
    “I…what?” I stammer.
    “You are rosy cheeked.” James Clancy observes.
    “Hot shower.” I mutter.
    “Hot alright.” He mutters back.
    “James Clancy, what are you implying?” Ryder asks.
    “Stop calling me that, and I am implying nothing but I will warn you, her protection is first and foremost and I don’t need drama causing an argument and causing her to become unprotected.”
    “It wouldn’t matter what happened, her protection is our first and foremost too.” Nate says, giving me a smile.
    “Very well.”
    “Alright, grab the breakfast on the run. We gotta roll.” Nate says to Ryder, who nods.
    “You ready to swim?” James Clancy asks me.
    “Yep, just have to get changed.”
    “Very well.”
    “See you in a few James, cheers.” Ryder says, patting the old cop on the shoulder.
    “Yeah yeah, you better

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