Lost Star

Free Lost Star by Morgan Hawke

Book: Lost Star by Morgan Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Hawke
Tags: Romance
elbows, his belly and erection pressed to the air mattress below him with his legs spread wide.
    Seht knelt between them. His warm thighs brushed the insides of Aubrey’s knees.
    Aubrey stared at the shadows on the cave wall cast by the small fire while listening to the rain outside. All he could think of was that Seht was getting ready to jam his monster of a cock up his ass. He’d been looking forward to losing his virginity, but this wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind.
    Seht’s hot palms closed on Aubrey’s inner thighs, just above his knees.
    Aubrey jumped, and a small sound escaped.
    Seht chuckled. “Is that fear?”
    Aubrey clenched his teeth. “No.”
    “Good.” Seht’s hands slid upward, to the bottom curve of Aubrey’s ass. His thumbs pressed into the crease, parting his cheeks.
    Aubrey shivered hard and hunched his shoulders. Shit, shit, shit .
    “Tell me”—Seht’s gel-slicked thumbs pressed low, framing the very base of his cock, the tips brushing under his balls—“how does this feel?” He massaged either side of the very root of Aubrey’s shaft, right in the crease.
    Heat and erotic tension slammed up Aubrey’s spine and tightened in his balls. He gasped and dug his knees into the bed, his hips rising from the mattress. “Oh fuck!”
    “A good reaction, I assume?” Seht’s voice was clearly amused.
    Aubrey tucked his head and sucked in a deep breath. His cock was one solid, hot, vibrating ache. He was incredibly close to spilling. “Um, yeah.” His voice came out high and tight.

    Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star

    “Good.” Seht’s thumbs pressed closer to the tight bud of Aubrey’s anus. “You are very ready. You will likely climax very quickly.”
    The hair on Aubrey’s neck rose, and it felt like the back of his head was about to explode. “No shit.”
    Seht’s finger circled Aubrey’s anus.
    Aubrey stilled utterly.
    Seht’s finger pressed. “Push out, pet, push out hard.”
    Aubrey closed his eyes tight and pushed. His anus abruptly released tension.
    Seht’s finger slid within and plunged deep. “There.”
    Aubrey’s eyes flew open. It was odd, but not uncomfortable, though it was incredibly embarrassing to have someone’s finger up his ass. He frowned. It was also a little snug. “You have some fat fingers, Seht.”
    Seht shifted his finger around, lubricating his interior. “Do I?”
    Aubrey cringed. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was not something he was used to feeling. What really bothered him was that Seht’s finger was nowhere near the diameter of the cock he’d watched him grease. “Are you sure that you can”—he swallowed—
    “I will fit. You will adjust.” Seht briefly pressed against something deep inside Aubrey’s ass.
    An almost-electrical shock burned deep in Aubrey’s balls and exploded all the way up his spine. His cock pulsed to a hardness he hadn’t even thought he was physically capable of. Aubrey gasped in a deep breath, and his hands clenched on the mattress. “Oh shit…”
    Seht chuckled softly. “Oh yes, you are very ready.” He withdrew his finger.
    Aubrey’s breath left explosively, causing him to make a small sound that was almost a whimper. Whatever Seht had been up against in there had brought him right to the edge. He seriously considered begging Seht to put that finger right back where it had been.
    Seht came up on his knees and leaned over Aubrey’s back, setting his hands to either side of his shoulders. His cock brushed against the seam of Aubrey’s ass, then pressed, a long, hard, and hot weight. He placed a kiss to the base of Aubrey’s neck. “I will be gentle.”
    Aubrey drew in a breath. “Fate, I hope so.” He winced and bit down on his lip. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
    Seht chuckled softly. “You will find pleasure, I assure you.” He closed his left arm around Aubrey’s waist, pressing against his back while lifting his hips and ass. He reached back with

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