Black Treacle Magazine (March/April 2013, Issue 2)
2013, Issue 2
    Copyrights and
Notes” Copyright © 2013 by A.P. Matlock
    “Welcome to
Blackrock” Copyright © 2013 by Michael Haynes
    “Night Shift at
the Tim Hornets” Copyright © 2013 by Mike Rimar
    “The Three
Hundredth Day” Copyright © 2013 by Bruce Memblatt
    “A Pair of
Ragged Claws” Copyright © 2013 by Kate Heartfield
    Cover Image
    " Skull "
Copyright © 2006 BenedictFrancis , used under Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Treacle Publications

Edition, License Notes
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    ISBN: 9781301799329
    ISSN: 2291-241X
    Black Treacle
269 Charlotte Street
    PO BOX 265
    Sydney, NS B1P
    Black Treacle
Magazine is a free monthly Magazine dedicated to original short
fiction in the Horror, Dark Fantasy, and Speculative fiction
Genres. Released on the first or second Tuesday of each month
    Welcome to
    Night Shift at the
Tim Hornets
    Mike Rimar
    The Three
Hundredth Day
    A Pair of Ragged

    I am very happy to be finally getting the
second issue out. Submission volume has been improving enough that
I still think it’s feasible to keep this as a monthly magazine.
This issue should hopefully be the only double-month. So Writers,
keep those submissions coming!
    In March,
Black Treacle opened to non-fiction submissions. I’m pretty excited
about this and have a few candidates for publication in our May
issue. It was also announced that we would begin distribution on
Amazon to ensure the widest possible audience. We are still are
still committed to delivering Black Treacle Magazine for free but
since free distribution isn’t an option when publishing with
Amazon, it will be available at 0.99, which is Almost Free.
    We’ve got some
interesting stories this month: a good mix of humour, horror, and
the bizarre. I hope you enjoying reading them as much as I did.
    * * *
    A.P. Matlock is a Writer and the
Editor of Black Treacle
Welcome to Blackrock
    They sped down
the latest back road Jesse had turned onto, gravel and dust kicking
up in the pickup's wake.
    "Any signal on
that thing yet?" he asked Elaine.
    "Be patient,
dammit. Don't you think I'd tell you if it was working?"
    Jesse growled.
"Just let me know when you figure out where the hell we are."
    "At least we
haven't seen any cops."
    He didn't
answer. Bad luck to talk about good luck. Funny how that works. Why
not good luck to talk about bad luck? Wouldn't that be a helluva
lot better?
    "Hey! I
got..." Elaine hesitated. "Shit. Yeah, I got shit. Stupid GPS."
    Jesse kept
driving. It was just after two in the afternoon. Five hours after
he and Elaine had robbed the only bank in Haskell Canyon. The plan
was to get out of Texas, be in Oklahoma before dark. Lie low. Well,
that was plan as far as Elaine knew at least. The part she didn't
know about was when Jesse would put a couple of bullets in her.
He'd needed a driver, and she'd been good for that, but he wasn't
planning on splitting the take with her.
    The plan--the official plan--had gone awry when he'd seen that damned
state trooper car about fifteen miles out of Haskell Canyon. He'd
turned onto one back road, then another. He kept turning, thinking
he was heading north and east each time, figuring

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